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Beware of Radioactive Ebola Leopard

Not sure if anyone has done this yet

Spin the wheel and get a dungeon meshi character!!

Would you fuck/marry/kill this character




Tell me who you got in the tags :D

Liked by ti3s and 11338 others
Second Beat Songs

Every Touch

by Cascada

“Everytime We Touch” with every second beat removed


still ear oice en lee ext me

I ill eel utch in my dreams (y dreams)

give me weeks, I oh why,

out you hard to s-vive

every touch get feeling, every tiss air ah I

can’t you fart fast, want this ass, need ama ide

every touch feel atic, every tiss reach for I

can’t you heart glow, can let oh, want imy ife

*bass drops*

are are aah le, hard is guy

why ah ears at I cry

good and bad imes, een ooh all

you ake rise when I fall

every touch get feeling, every tiss air ah I

can’t you fart fast, want this ass, need ama ide

every touch feel atic, every tiss reach for I

can’t you heart glow, can let oh, want imy ife

*bass drop*

every touch get feeling, every tiss air ah I

can’t you fart fast, want this ass

need ama ide

wow it really says can’t you fart fast want this ass

wonders of the cosmos


The HR 8799 system harbors four super-Jupiters orbiting with periods that range from decades to centuries. We're currently monitoring this system to understand if and how this system is dynamically stable. This footage consists of 7 images of HR 8799 taken with the Keck Telescope over 7 years. Video made by Jason Wang, data reduced by Christian Marois, and orbits were fit by Quinn Konopacky. Bruce Macintosh, Travis Barman, and Ben Zuckerman assisted in the observations.

bro we are kissing

spin this wheel and get a random baldur’s gate 3 character.

would you fuck, marry, or kill this character




look them up here or here (or google i guess). not spoiler free. no secret nuanced fourth answer, you just gotta choose. have fun!

Liked by gwaha and 2927 others
*ahem* woof woof woof
previously funnytwittertweets

i'm in the house like carpet

I want that prince obliterated


there was a first panel but i didn't feel like drawing 300 moon bunnies

This a a reminder to not fall victim to the sunk-cost fallacy. Just because you invested time and energy into something, does not mean you should indefinitely waste more time and energy on it, if you decide it’s not what you want anymore. This goes for anything, from books, to relationships, to jobs, to hobbies, etc.

If it’s not serving you anymore, move on.

This is honestly one of the places I find Marie Kondo's advice most helpful. I stop, look at the thing I've spent time and money on only to realize I dislike, and I say, "Thank you for teaching me something about myself and my preferences. I think I've learned this particular lesson and we can part ways now."

And then I don't feel like I "wasted" things or made a mistake. I just tried one path of learning about myself, learned something, and now it's time for a different path. Works a lot better for my brain.

Liked by egberts and 18996 others
I Personally Removed Bobby Flay From Food Network

"someone who allows you to rest" is the relationship dynamic of all time

A parent that welcomes you back home after things have fallen apart. A best friend whose voice alone who can make you relax. A spouse who convinces you to stay in bed an extra hour and leave the dishes for later. A stranger who sees you tired and gives up their seat on the train. Augh. The humanity of it

Liked by iryine and 93601 others
perfectly safe and very neutrinos

closure isnt real they made that shit up for tv and movie

do you have a crush on me? have you had a crush on me? will you have a crush on me? when will you have a crush on me?


google search how to remove a specific post from my dashboard

il dolce far niente
“ The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath

The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
