a monochrome comic.   a feverish siffrin wakes up in his bed in the clocktower from a dream, a tear left in the corner of his right eye. he is not wearing his eyepatch. he sits up. isabeau's head is just barely visible in the corner of the panel.  dialogue reads: narrative dream: (I know you must be lonely.) narrative dream: (I know you must miss us terribly) (But don't ever forget that we love you, starlight.) siffrin: (you don't know when you are) siffrin: (your head is pounding)ALT
siffrin stares at his hands, vision slightly blurred, before looking to the foot of his bed and seeing isabeau asleep against the it. dialogue reads: siffrin: (your hands won't stop shaking) siffrin: (you can't remember why you feel so weak) siffrin: (has isa spoken to you yet) siffrin: (did you wake up before he did)ALT
siffrin hesitantly reaches out to touch isabeau's head, only to be interrupted by odile entering the room, a wash basin and a rag braced at her hip. siffrin looks at her warmly.  dialogue reads: odile: "Siffrin. I didn't realize you were awake." siffrin: (it's odile odile's here)ALT
odile steps over a snoring isabeau, a disgruntled expression on her face, before placing her hand on siffrin's forehead. he closes his eyes and leans into her palm. odile retracts her hand and sends him a worried expression.  dialogue reads: odile: "Oh, he's awake. I was convinced he was a corpse for a moment." siffrin: (cool to the touch) odile: "...Seems you're still feverish."ALT
odile brusquely knees isabeau to wake him up. isa stirs, looking up at odile with a dazed expression on his face before lighting up as he notices siffrin awake. his eyes are shining.  dialogue reads: odile: "Wake up, Isabeau. You're in my way." isabeau: "Mm- m-M'dame? 's it your-" odile: "Yes, it's my turn on Siffrin duty. Get out already." isabeau:"Is Sif-" isabeau: "Oh, Sif's awake! Hey, Sif!"ALT
isa leans against siffrin's bed, concerned, as odile tries fruitlessly and frustratedly to pull him out of the way with a hand on his shoulder. after a short verbal altercation, isa steps out of the room, closing it shut behind him. odile side-eyes siffrin witheringly but fondly, and siffrin watches her with a glowing, dazed expression, several arrows pointing to their head directing to the words "PROBLEM CHILD" and "pure zoning..." dialogue reads: isabeau: "Are you feeling alright? Thirsty? Hungry? Cold or anything? I-I could help warm y-" odile: "GEMS ALIVE, ISABEAU. DO THIS IN YOUR OWN TIME." isabeau: "I-I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE-" isabeau: "C'mon, M'dame, at least hear me out-" odile: "Just Get Out" isabeau: "Yes M'dame" isabeau: "...See you later, Sif." odile: (And now, to take care of the problem child.)ALT
odile turns to siffrin. he seems confused and frightened, thoughts still distant from reality. the monochromatic paneling cuts out to siffrin sitting alone, lined in white, on a black background. his hands are fisted in his sheets. dialogue reads: odile: "Lay back down, Siffrin. You're still sick." siffrin: (...sick? but... you shouldn't be. you still haven't beaten the...) siffrin: "The, King?" odile: "Frozen in the House, just as we left him."ALT
a staticky, glitched out scene of the VS. Friends battle at the end of ACT5. mal du pays stares down at odile, isabeau, bonnie, and mira, his single eye a stark white against the black and red gradient. the stars distort around him like a black hole.ALT
siffrin's expression is obscured, but it's clear he's horrified. sweat runs down his cheek as odile wrings out a wet rag. when she turns to him, he forces an incredibly strained smile. dialogue reads: odile: "I'm surprised you're even awake." odile: "You gave us quite a scare when your fever came back, you know." siffrin: (You have to say your lines.) siffrin: (Even if there's no taking this back.) siffrin: "Sorry for all the trouble."ALT
odile raises her voice slightly, frustrated, before looking away. she sits down on siffrin's bed, one leg raised higher than the other, and leans back slightly. siffrin looks at her, eyes wide, before pulling the collar of his cloak up over his face to hide his conflicted expression. dialogue reads:  odile: "Don't-" odile: "-apologize. That's... not why I said that." odile: "I was trying to say that I was... that I am worried for you. That I'm relieved you're relatively alright." siffrin: (Oh.) siffrin: "...I'm sorry."ALT
odile sighs, dimly upset at her inability to communicate as well as she'd like. she looks down, and the monochromatic paneling cuts out again to a black panel with white lines. siffrin looking up at her from the bottom of the page. a book, some papers, a change ornament, ka buan gems, and a sprig of thyme are sketched out behind him. dialgoue reads: odile: "..." odile: "I just told you not to apologize."  odile: "I've heard that word enough today, Siffrin." siffrin: (But you are.) siffrin: (You're sorry.) siffrin: (You're sorry that you hurt her.) siffrin: (That you hurt them.) siffrin: (You don't know why they're still with you.) siffrin: (How could they ever forgive you?)ALT
odile sighs again before standing up. siffrin watches her, expression dark and unaware, before his eyes widen, shining. odile pulls him into a hug, and his face squishes up against her shoulder. dialogue reads: siffrin: "...I'm sorry." odile: "...Excuse me, Siffrin." siffrin: "-?" siffrin: "Ah,"ALT
odile hugs siffrin, resting her chin on his smaller shoulder. the monochromatic paneling cuts out to black and white again, this time showing the mirror picture taken in ACT 4. bonnie's face takes up most of the frame, mouth wide open, mirabelle's eyes are wide with awe and fascination, odile stares at the camera with great scrutiny, and isabeau is leaping with excitement behind them. siffrin stands out in the center of the frame, expression tight and visibly strained. dialogue reads: odile: "You don't need to say sorry anymore-" odile: "At least, not to me." odile: "I said so at the House already, but... I'll reiterate." odile: "I'm sorry that I couldn't have helped you sooner." odile: "I can barely imagine how you must have felt, so isolated from the people who were meant to be by your side."ALT
a black and white drawing of siffrin standing alone, countless pictures on the ground under his feet. he stares down at a picture in his hand, expression dark. dialogue reads:  odile: "I'm sure... you must have been lonely."ALT
siffrin's eye widens, glistening, before he brings his hands up to weakly hug odile back. he's trembling as his eye wells up with tears. four black and white panels of mirabelle, isabeau, odile, and bonnie during their ACT 3 hangout sessions stand out against loop's shining head from their own hangout, framed by the leaves of the favor tree. dialogue reads: siffrin: (Oh.) siffrin: "...I, wasn't." siffrin: (They were always with you. They were always with you because they loved you, and because you loved them. They were always, always with you.)ALT
a black and white siffrin rises on his tip toes, arms out stretched and desperate, to the glowing white star from his dream in ACT 1, framed by concentric circles. dialogue reads: siffrin: (But you missed them. You missed your family.  You missed their warmth, you missed their touch, you missed their voices, the words you kept them from saying.)ALT
odile sends siffrin a wry look, and he laughs in response, head still hooked over her shoulder. she brings a hand up to run her fingers through their hair, closing her eyes. the paneling transitions to a shot of siffrin and loop standing back to back, a red, four-pointed star shattering the black background they're against. the star itself has a crack running through it. dialogue reads: odile: "Convincing. Try saying that without crying, and I'll revise my statement." siffrin: "Hehe." odile: "...You have always been loved, Siffrin." odile: "I hope... I hope that you will not forget that." siffrin: (Maybe that's what frightened you all along. That your family, that your memories, would someday stop existing. That you would forget love, just as it forgot you.)ALT
mal du pays stares at siffrin, single eye wide open, expression haunting, with their hand raised over their head. blood and stars pour out of their palm, spilling into a pool at the bottom of the page. a panel of siffrin's eyes, close up, stands out against the crimson. there's a glowing, four-pointed star in their right eye, unbrushed hair casting an ominous shadow over their obscured expression. dialogue reads:  siffrin: (But you won't forget. No matter what, you will always remember your family. You will never forget the ways they've loved you, and the ways you loved them in turn. You've bound yourself to that wish by the star that beats in your chest, by the Universe pulsing through your veins.) siffrin: "...I won't."ALT
odile side-eyes siffrin, looking confused and concerned by siffrin's strained tone. she steps back, one hand braced on his shoulder, and offers him a wry, lopsided smile, one brow raised. dialogue reads: odile: "...?" odile: "I'm glad to hear." odile: "I wouldn't let you forget, anyways. None of us would. We'll be spending the rest of our days doggedly reminding you of that fact." odile: "That's my promise to you."ALT
siffrin meets her gaze, eye shining, expression impossibly touched. the paneling transitions to black and white again, to a drawing of a four-leafed glover and two glistening, silver coins. dialogue reads: siffrin: (You think about the poem kept safe in your pocket, and you think about your home. You think about their smiling faces, and you think about a place where you can finally belong.) siffrin: "Thanks, Odile." odile: "Nothing to thank me for." odile: "...Now lay down. I'm sick of being sentimental." siffrin: "Hahaha!" siffrin: (You'll always remember this.)ALT

these are the consequences of unleashing promethean levels of craft on someone after nearly destroying the world on accident

(in the same continuity as my other comics)

Bright One listen to me... did you know you can buy In Stars and Time for less than twenty euros on Steam. It has such a nice artstyle along with a charming cast of characters, a great soundtrack and a gripping story about change, loss, and identity.... You should check it out Bright One


Bright One did you get two hats at the end of the game's credits? Just one...? Aaahh... Do you happen to have a save file in act four or three, Bright One? Yes.. good.... You should inspect your coin a bit and remember to talk to Loop, Bright One.

tfw you visibly base your entire identity around One Specific Character Or Thing so that whenever it gets brought up (or left out) of a conversation you look like this pointing it out


behold the most moving voice acting of all time


what ah you so excaitedabaaht MAYQUAY

eeeh eeh eeeh

mmmmh i think i’ll adopt it and takeit withmeeeeehhh

i always watch this like five times whenever it comes back around


Here's how you can help Palestine!!

Educate yourself and spread awareness with the help of these sites:

  • Al Jazeera
    - This is a news site that gives constant updates and information on Palestine.
  • Decolonize Palestine
    - This is a website that informs you about the history of Palestine, debunk myths, and gives out a lot of resources to look into.
  • Visualizing Palestine
    - This site creates infographics that can help people visualize the statistics from data collected about Palestine. They are free to download and share around.
  • US Campaign for Palestinian Rights
    - This website includes numerous campaigns and resources you can look into and support.
  • The Palestinian Museum Digital Archive
    - This site features a collection of many things from Palestine that archives documents, letters, and other items that show the lives and experiences of Palestinians.

Ways you can donate to/support families in Palestine:

  • Arab.org
    - Just do your daily clicks and you get to donate for free. Please take the time to donate to all of the causes.
  • Gaza Funds
    - Every time you refresh the site, it leads you to a different GoFundMe page for the people who need help.
  • Care for Gaza
    - This is an organization that sends aid out to Palestine, you can find more in their Twitter/X account. They also have a PayPal.
  • eSims for Gaza
    - You can send an eSim to people in Palestine to help them connect and reach out.
  • Emergency Relief for Gaza
    - This is a campaign that gives food, medical supplies, and other humanitarian aid to families from donations.
  • Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)
    - They also give medical aid to the people in Palestine and you can also support by donating to them as well.
  • Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF)
    - Donate here to give funds and support to the children in Palestine as they specialize in pediatric care.

Google Docs/Spreadsheets:

Make sure to look at the other tabs within the spreadsheets as they lead to more options/resources!

  • Help Gaza
    - This is a spreadsheet with a list of fundraisers for different families/causes that need support! Look through and donate when you can!
  • Operation Olive Branch
    - This is a spreadsheet with many links and ways to help in the project! There are campaigns, fundraisers, volunteer work for other parts of the causes and such! Make sure to check it out!
    - A google document made from Twitter/X user: para_docx. This includes links, resources, and information for the other ongoing genocides as well.

Some of these documents intersect and have similar resources and links, but I'm adding them just to make sure as they may also have some that aren't listed in this post either.

Free Palestine.

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