

Things to note:
β€’ PayPal fees are included in the price
β€’ I don't usually do busts/headshots unless customer insists on one
β€’ Please notify me if you're from Poland and wish to pay through a bank transfer

Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions! :)

Any and all shares appreciated β™‘

Aug 28 89 notes

Hey fellow queer people, with pride month underway and more posts popping up about how we lost so many queer elders to AIDS, are you aware of the studies that show COVID impacts the immune system similarly to AIDS? And if so, are you masking? And if not, why?

(Not to mention how COVID and long COVID disproportionately impact trans people, Black people, and low income people, or how the spread of disease is a tool of colonizers and is actively being used as a way to kill Palestinians right now, all of which are points I encourage you to consider. Our struggles are all interconnected.)

The next generation deserves queer elders.

Great post op!! Here’s a little more info on COVID + AIDS similarities:

TLDR both HIV and COVID similarly infect megakaryocytes causing long-term immune system damage.

COVID communicator Lizzie Traveler did a really good breakdown video of two recent studies on this (and what it means in layperson’s terms), which you can watch here.

Here’s the preprint (meaning not yet peer reviewed) study on megakaryocyte infection with COVID. It came out in July 20, 2023.

Dr. Farid Jalali, one of the lead researchers on the above study, was the person to draw the comparison between these findings and HIV:


Link to this tweet, link to this Twitter thread on ThreadReader.

If you’re not masking, why?

Jun 06 1,722 notes

As a trans woman I can confirm that they indeed found an ancient forest inside a 630ft deep sinkhole in China


cis people can reblog this but keep it on subject, please

Happy pride month everyone always remember that the sinkhole has an ecosystem large enough to house not only insects but likely several species of small birds or mammals

Jun 06 310,175 notes

Monster fuckers are so creative cuz it’s like you’ll look at a monster and go “how the fuck would one go about fucking that?” And then a monster fucker will slither from the shadows and give a demonstration of human ingenuity

Jun 05 12,318 notes



I've created a new commission chart for 2024. Additonal information below:

  • I start working on a picture as soon as we talk the details. I’ll start sketching it and once the sketch is done and you are happy with the result I’ll be waiting for the payment to finish the picture.
  • Prices are in USD
  • PLEASE contact me via e-mail
  • You can use my artwork however you want, except for commercial use.
  • Payment via paypal
  • Please tell me whether you’re going to print the commissioned drawing so I can draw it in a proper size!
  • Prices may vary depending on number of details and complexity of the drawing (e.g. I’ll charge additional few bucks for wings or super complicated outfits or designs)

TIME FRAME: it takes me up to week to draw the initial sketch and up to 2 weeks to finish the whole thing β‰ˆ up to 3 weeks (unless something unexpected comes up, if it does I’ll let you know for sure)

Also I’d be grateful if you fill out this form and send it in an email: (it makes organizing things easier)

Commission Type: (shaded, waist up; etc)
Character(s): (I prefer reference pictures over a written description but it’s also fine. As long as it’s detailed enough)
Your ideas: (if you have any, like, pose, expression, color scheme etc)
Background: (for flat colored drawings only single color/gradient backgrounds apply)
Extra: (any extra accessories, complicated outfits, wings, pets, furniture idk?)
Your PayPal e-mail: (so that I know who the money is coming from!)

Please spread the word even if you’re not interested, I’d really appreciate it! Thanks

Jun 04 182 notes

At the risk of sounding anti-intellectual, I think that college should be free and also not a requirement for employment outside of highly specialized career fields

At the risk of sounding like an effete intellectual, I do actually think you should be allowed to just take college courses indefinitely

Jun 01 62,986 notes

When my mother forgets a word, she is the queen of coming up with new words. Words that would take a third National Treasure movie to fully decipher. I was talking to her yesterday, and she said this: “You know the time for los jibbities is coming up. You must be so excited!” Oh, is it time for los jibbities already? I must have missed it on my calendar. Are we celebrating something? “Of course! We should all be celebrating, shouldn’t we?” OK, so los jibbities is a happy thing. It’s not like something is giving you the heebie-jeebies, which would have been my one and only guess. “Los heebie-jeebies? Now you’re making things up...and this is my show.” You’re right. The time for los jibbities is coming up. Is this a season? “Yes, the season for love. The season for pride.” OK, los jibbities. “Yeah, sound it out.” Los…jibbities. LGBTs! “Sí, mira cuz you’re gay!” “You couldn’t just say pride season? You couldn’t just… *laughs*


Jun 01 67,258 notes


did the dinosaurs look at the meteor and thought "how pretty"?

May 31 37,071 notes

i know an engineer-type dude who said fiction bored him, because fiction is mostly-formulaic and tropey, and you can generally guess what’s gonna happen next, and yada yada

so his solution for this problem was… to solely read serial web novels in languages that (1) he did not speak, and (2) for which there was no actual translation, fan or otherwise

apparently, the combined forces of “trying to figure out WTF is going on via the power of Google Translate" + “cultural differences in storytelling conventions” + “the inherent randomness of where the hell amateur authors are gonna take their plots”—those all mashed up to make stories that were unpredictable enough to keep him guessing all the time

then he described to me this totally batshit-sounding Hungarian story he’d been obsessively reading once a week for years

and god i think about him all the time.  like.  that is the most wild way to process fiction that i have ever heard of, but also, i’ve gotta admire the sheer chaos energy of it

like i tried to tell him suspense isn’t about having no fucking clue what’s going on, it’s about having expectations subverted in novel and interesting ways that nonetheless accord with one’s understanding of the story’s universe, etc

and he’s just like “no.  suspense is when i cannot guess what is happening next, full stop.  quantum physics is a suspense novel”

May 29 125,983 notes
iriascend said:

maarceeeel, a moge zamówić komisza prideowego na następny miesiąc? w sensie: przed wypłatą jest xD chcem zamówić, ale zapłacić mogę dopiero po piątku, więc czy mogę se zaklepać miejsce ale zapłacić potem i ofc dopiero jak zapłace to zaczniesz rysować?

pewnie! formsy są po to, żebym wiedział ile osób chce takiego komisza, a potem po kolei się odzywam i wykonuję arty :> forms jest otwarty do bodaj 28 czerwca i do tego czasu można kupować/zaklepywać miejsce

May 27 1 note



✨ What are they? Pride-themed, flat-colored busts!
✨ Cost? About 25 USD!
✨ Why special? They're only available in June and half of the earnings will be donated to the local lgbt+ orgs/fundraisers!

Interested? See the form below πŸ‘Œ

>> FORM <<

May 27 78 notes