💗DrakLove [EN]



Fire || Earth || Water || Air.

》Maximum: 4

》Minimum: 1



》Maximum: 5

》Minimum: 1


》Maximum: 7

》Minimum: 1

⭐ Birth powers:

01- Loveometer:

They can sense when other Drakomis are in love.

02- Seduction:

They give off a scent that seduces the Drakomi around them.

- When a Drakomi is under the influence of this Seduction, they are easily convinced to do anything.

03- Deep Sleep:

They manage to make other Drakomis sleepy.

- If used with a lot of concentration, they can make other Drakomi sleep peacefully and soundly.

04- Corrosion:

They can melt any solid object.

- This power can only be used 3 times a day.

05- Tranzi:

They manage to put other Drakomis in a "tranze" state, as if they were in a super realistic dream, where you can control whether it's going to be good or bad.

- This power requires a lot of training.

06- Toxic love:

How to use:

Kissing any part of another Drakomi's body.

It is made:

Let this Drakomi bewitched, madly in love with you, being a faithful servant to you.

How to break this spell:

- The Drakomi who cast this spell has to lower the enchanted Drakomi again, and say "I set you free".

- Another way to undo this spell is: The Drakomi that the bewitched loves deeply, has to kiss him.

07- Choose 1 more power not listed:

You can choose any power not listed here