
"Corrdhea" is a Headworld that orbits a physics defying Black Hole commonly referred to as the "Blackstar", scientifically named "WHK-A091". It is a realm of self-referential allegory and paralells; channeling characters, stories, and worldbuilding inspired by various aspects of the Creators experiences, passions, and life.

In vitae vulputate neque. Phasellus egestas neque neque, id sagittis sapien commodo quis. Curabitur ut sagittis sapien, quis eleifend augue. Donec eu quam diam. Ut tellus lorem, vehicula sit amet ligula non, facilisis varius nulla. Sed lobortis quam efficitur arcu rutrum gravida. Suspendisse iaculis fermentum elit sit amet volutpat. Suspendisse malesuada mollis varius. Nullam orci arcu, molestie a tortor eget, pretium facilisis arcu.

World Overview

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit.


In vitae vulputate neque. Phasellus egestas neque neque, id sagittis sapien commodo quis. Curabitur ut sagittis sapien, quis eleifend augue. Donec eu quam diam. Ut tellus lorem, vehicula sit amet ligula non, facilisis varius nulla. Sed lobortis quam efficitur arcu rutrum gravida. Suspendisse iaculis fermentum elit sit amet volutpat. Suspendisse malesuada mollis varius. Nullam orci arcu, molestie a tortor eget, pretium facilisis arcu.



The Two Gods: The Wayfarer Hart



The Two Gods: Kali's Prophecy



Magic System



The Ocean Spirit






Everything OOC

This universe is a manifestation of my thoughts and concepts, both metaphorically and literally, as is an intentional tie into its lore. For years I have used my OCs to grapple with ideas and grow myself as a person with representatives. This has been the natural progression of such, and a fun subject to furthering my explorations as my life goes on. While most of it is as simple as me liking something and drawing it into my universe like an art gallery, other times I may be ruminating on some deeper personal ideas and philosophies that then get reflected into the lore.

Regardless of the deeper purpose of this space, I have, and am working on it becoming a role-play friendly dimension. I'm not trying to make a space that stands out as something unique, I just like what I like and pour a passion into it, and hope to use what I create as a playground for myself and every friend who wishes to join, where ever they may be from.

Conditions of Access
Optional, but preferable: join my Discord Server, for the interactive elements of the world. Newcomers need to be manually added to Members. If not done so right away, I will get to it as soon as I can.

No character can access this world without being permitted by Vee. This is both IC and OOC. That being said, the execution of this condition is very lax. No one needs to report most of their Ins and Outs unless it's significant, though I do appreciate communication when it comes to plot stuff, especially should it be impactful on a larger scale.

I encourage plotting within this world, and am very flexible to collaborating ideas with others for said intents and purposes. I aim not to be particularly restrictive, but I do ask for involvement so that I can at least overlook the world-building elements.

IC Access
All characters who are in this world are either Residents or Guests to it. They all share in common that each of them have a Stone that inexplicably found itself in their possession. The Stone, that can take any appearance, is a Port that only works between this head-space and The Endless Forest, that only the holder it was given to can use. It is a direct Vee-gifted artifact, and like instinct, the receiver will know how to use it upon contact.

Those in possession of a Stone may bring friends into the universe through physical contact. Referring to the lax condition, my consent is only needed if you or your OC are planning something significant. A stoneless Guest will be ported out after a few hours unless they have been gifted a Stone from Vee.

I am very happy to accomodate those interested in having their OCs' origins here in this world.