Creature Training

Training Overview

Creatures in CardTamers gain levels through Training.  This can be gained through combat, learning skills, or using food.  Once creatures have reached a certain level, they can grow.  This level is 3 for Child, 8 for Adolescent, and 26 for Adult.  Only creatures which are bred or purchased can start out as babies, all other creatures will start as children.


This mechanic is currently in progress.

Learning Skills

There are a variety of skills to learn in the CardTamers world.  Skills which can be learned by a creature or Hybrid's species are listed on their profile, although these skills may not be able to be learned by the individual depending on which traits they have.

Skill learning can be done at this forum post.

Using Food

Food is used to raise stats and will also give a little bit of training.  Only a certain amount of food will be able to be fed to a creature at a time, although this mechanic is currently in progress.