Boss Creatures


Boss Creatures may occasionally show up in the forums, and will also be listed in the "events" tab on the world's main page.  These strong and/or rare creatures will require several prompts to defeat and catch.  Only one participant will get the chance to defeat or catch the Boss Creature, although there are factors which will help determine which participant it is.  All participants will get a larger than usual amount of experience and Seeds.  There is no time limit to defeat a Boss Creature.

Getting a Prompt

In order to receive a prompt, you must post on the Boss Creature's thread with at least one Tamer and at least one Creature or Hybrid.  Prompts will be based on the location of the Boss Creature, the characters facing it, and a few other randomly determined things.

Submitting a Prompt

After receiving your prompt, you can complete it either by writing or drawing.  Once you have finished your prompt, reply to the post you received your prompt from with a link to the finished entry.  Submissions must be at least flat colored with clean lineart (or no lineart) or at least 200 words.  The Boss Creature's HP loss will be calculated based on the entry and updated in the original post.

Increasing Odds of Selection

Boss Creatures' weaknesses are not the standard type-based weaknesses, and instead will be displayed below the HP bar.  Hitting these weaknesses will improve your chances of being selected to capture or defeat the boss.

Weaknesses may include:

  • A specific level of detail
  • Including a specific creature (doesn't have to be one you own)
  • Including a specific NPC
  • Including an attack or type of attack
  • Creative responses

Capture or Defeat

If you are selected for a chance, you will be able to choose whether to capture or defeat the Boss Creature.  Capturing gives you a powerful ally, while defeating a Boss Creature yields better drops than usual.

These may include:

  • Gold Seeds (Premium Currency)
  • Seeds
  • Items
  • Experience