Tamer Guide

In CardTamers World, you are able to request, create or purchase a tamer character.  There are three different kinds of tamers you can get:

  • A Standard Tamer, who can have up to three creatures and is human.
  • A Hybrid Tamer, who is part human and part creature.
  • An AU Tamer, who comes from a CardTamers AU.

Usually only Standard Tamers can be requested for free, while Hybrid Tamers require special means to obtain and AU Tamers require very special means to obtain.  There are also rules surrounding them.  

Every Tamer has a favorite type, and they get bonuses for using creatures with skills of that type.

You can use this form to request a Standard Tamer, or this form to submit a MYO Tamer (If you do not have a Google Account, use this version instead).  It will notify me, and I will begin working on them as soon as possible.  Each user may obtain up to three standard Tamers for free through the request form total.

Special Tamer Rules

The two types of special Tamers, Hybrid and AU Tamers.  They have their own rules, which determine how they can be obtained and how they work with the rest of the group.

Hybrid Tamers

Hybrids can only be Tamers if they have a percentage of 40% or lower and look mostly human.  In addition, they must wear a Power Limiter which forces them to appear fully human and blocks most of their abilities.  While they aren't allowed to use them on people in general, they can still use them to make other tasks easier.  This is due to the extreme social stigma against Hybrids due to their appearance, abilities, and history.

AU Tamers

During special events, Sorila may gather, some with people they have brought from other worlds and others ready to go to another world to bring someone back.  This is still under construction, and will be handled at a later date.


In CardTamers World, Tamer characters are important.  Every creature and non-Tamer Hybrid must be registered with a Tamer to be used in the ARPG.  Tamers come in two main varieties currently:

  • Standard Tamers, which are fully human and the typical Tamer.
  • Hybrid Tamers, which are Hybrids which meet the requirements to be a Tamer and have a Power Limiter.
Tamers have a limited number of creature slots, these can be checked by going to their EvoCrit profile.  Once the slots are filled, you will need to upgrade their slots before they can receive more creatures or Hybrids.

If you do not have a Tamer, you will need to obtain one.  This can be done through this form.  You may request up to three Tamers total through this method.

Once you have a Tamer, you can get them a starter.

Tamers get bonuses for using creatures with skills of their favorite type.

Creature Transfers

Creatures (and non-Tamer Hybrids) can be transferred from one Tamer to another owned by the same user.  This is done through the Tamer to Tamer Trades option.

Arenas and Trophies

Each Tamer you own participates in Arenas separately.  This means that the Trophies they earn are not shared, and have to be earned for each character you want to have them.

Hybrid Tamer Special Rules

Hybrid Tamers have a few special rules.  They generally act solely as Tamers, but there are situations where they can act like creatures:

  • Any obstacle-clearing skills they know count towards area exploration
  • They can be used on a team instead of a creature
  • When exploring they count as both a creature and a Tamer
When used as a creature in exploration, they can use items like a Tamer can.

Additionally, as they have two forms, there are rules as to when they can canonically be in their true ("normal") form:
  • In private, where nobody would reasonably be expected to see them (their house, a room at the inn, etc.)
  • In the Restricted Area
  • In an Exploration Area
All other times, they must be depicted in their "Limited" form for art to be considered canon.


Tamers may come from any city or town in the CardTamers World.  This currently has no effect in the ARPG, but may partially determine their appearance.