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The world of Zodiac is based on a mix of Asian and Western cultures. There are two forms of magic practiced, the magic of the Old Gods, made up of the animals of the Chinese Zodiac, and the magic of the Constellations, made up of the formations of the western Zodiac.

Gods and Spirits

Only the animals of the Chinese Zodiac are true Gods in this world. The constellations are represented by beings as well, but they are considered spirits. The Old Gods grant practical abilities meant to serve a specific purpose while the constellations grant elemental magic. Unlike the Old Gods, the constellations are not worshiped and magic drawn from them does not require the bless or favor of the spirits they represent.

The magic obtained by the followers of the Old Gods can fluctuate based on the power of the God at the time and their favor towards that individual, as well as level of personal training. Because of this, there are temples built across the land in their honor and monks who have dedicated their lives specifically to worship of their God and the honing of their skills. Also unlike the constellations, a person can not receive powers from multiple Gods or change their alignments. They can however, he a hybrid mage with both a power from their God and elemental magic.

The ruler of the Old Gods is Gongji, the Rooster. His bride is Shezi, the Snake. Their children are Long, the Dragon and Houzi, the Monkey. The rest of the Gods are siblings to either Gongji or Shezi, except Laohu, the Tiger, who is the creation of Mao, the Cat. Mao is Gongji's brother, but he is not considered part of the Zodiac and does not interact with humans. Mao is responsible for creating demons and unleashing them on the world.

Normal animals like the Gods do exist and are considered children of the Gods, but not in the way Houzi and Long are. They are children created by only one of the Gods. Occasionally the Gods will create a demi-god, a humanoid animal gifted in the powers granted by their parent God and with intelligence on the level of humans. Demi-gods are revered and respected by all races and have lifespans of several hundred years.

The God that is worshiped by a person can sometimes be telling of where they originate from, and their social-economic background. This is due to the disposition of some Gods being more likely to favor people of specific backgrounds. For example, Shezi is very values a certain refinement and her followers tend to belong to the upperclasses.


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Write a little intro about yourself here! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla commodo sodales lectus, a sollicitudin ante venenatis non. Donec nec commodo urna, id condimentum nisi. Aliquam iaculis nulla ut maximus semper. Pellentesque aliquet viverra libero vitae sagittis. Mauris enim lorem, dapibus vitae tellus ac, porta finibus nulla. Aenean dignissim mi at elementum vestibulum. Maecenas mollis est massa, eu sagittis erat fringilla non. Curabitur finibus diam at mauris viverra, nec sollicitudin urna dignissim. Aliquam aliquet magna a velit consequat gravida.


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