
「Resonating thoughts and interwoven dreams, ethereal conscious of minds connected;
Projecting out and within
Touching the abstract
Blurring the line.」

Softly ringing in the air of this modest sanctuary-esque location is the system of Psiridea, ethereal phenomenon of heightened resonance of thought-feeling-memory.

Its resident specialists: spirits of those who died yet live through it, living loved ones who were saved by it, and patient zero's comatose child whose life depends on it.
Psiridea has given them constant insight into themselves, and the drive to heal each other throughout the years; they have been deeply linked since its birth and study here, more than 15 years ago.

Currently, they take care of the abandoned buildings, and resume their personal research to understand and work with it.

Limiting Psiridea's influence to the confines of the Sanctum is the best course of action for now, but visitors seem to occasionally turn up... most notably, a nomadic religious group that seems to also be connected.


Psiridea and its nodes' many stories vary in length and richness; some will require their own time and space to be told.

You are welcome to sit down and follow along, if you wish.

Psiridea's existence is inherently plural.
multiple minds existing in the same space, only signifiers and callbacks separating them.

the current vessel is doing her best to preserve balance and benevolence.

the meta-author has thoughts too

clusters containing the administrators' history with Psiridea float freely throughout, almost permeate the dreamscape.

as if Psiridea herself was happy to gather its Users around her, ready to tell a past anecdote every so often.

Author's Notes

  • While the page's content is made to feel somewhat diegetic — in a way, I really am inviting you to sit down and follow! — there is no roleplaying or collaboration available (yet), so I will not normally accept members or characters.
    Consider this a homepage/directory.
  • This project has gone through tons of iterations and rethinking.
    As of April 2021, this is the start of a new, more solid iteration, so there isn't much out yet. But I'm always in the process of making and releasing things!
    I appreciate your interest. ♥
  • 「PSIRID.SYS」 is a one-person passion project.
    As the creator, I fully own all its content, with the exception of collaborations and resources otherwise credited in individual works.
    I will share its content solely on websites/accounts owned and run by me.
  • Do not heavily reference, plagiarize, modify, re-upload or otherwise use any of my work without my explicit permission.