Venenum Isle (Forbidden)

10 Locations
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None of these locations are available for rping, story writing,
or character building unless by personal invitation by a founder.
Right now these are for Lore building only and reference.

Venenum Isle

An original and important part of the first Aermerea land mass, yet the great war has reduced it to naught but a floating island adrift in the ocean with a cave full of dark whispers. It is a forbidden isle, shrouded in mist and not to be talked about or known. It lays on a core of dark magic, buried by the All-Mother and sealed away behind a powerful barrier. The cave was once home to the All-Mother when, in her anguish over her child’s death, she threw herself inside and hid away from her world and the later and current home of Nexus, this island is mostly only populated by one person nowadays. It seems however that recently others have managed to pass through the barrier and are attempting to make the cave their home as well.

Feronia's Forest

Used to be part of the original Aranea Forest, and is now separate and belongs to the goddess Feronia, who is more like a wisp of mystery than an active presence as she rules and cares from the shadows. This forest is full of dark creatures - not all bad or dangerous - and acts as a bastian or sanctuary for them where they can be safe from persecution under their Goddess' protection. It is also said to be the home of moths who were pushed out of their original home in the mountains due to the war.

Feronia’s Estuary

Also having once bore another name that was lost to history in the aftermath of the war, it is now simply known as Feronia’s Estuary, this place is a common ground used by animals to have a drink or get food, as well as for washing clothes, bathing etc. by the other inhabitants of the forest. The weather here seems to be in a pocket that keeps it nice and cool with the tall ancient trees surrounding the area keeping it well shaded. It used to be a popular spot for picnics by lovers and families, but after the war that is no longer possible.

Dolor Ocean

This area was once nothing more than the crack in the earth the All-Mother created when she lost control of herself and the place where Nemesis and Nexus were born but the ice age and the war caused the crack to grow and expand. Now it is filled in by a wide ocean that separates the original Aermerea land mass and constellation lake from the area where Nexus' cave is. Many strange creatures fill its waters, some kind, others not so much.

Nexus' Garden

Nexus' personal garden where he grows rare flowers for many purposes. It's home to some Aermerean flowers thought to be extinct, some species that have never been seen before, and some highly coveted hybrids. Its breadth contains a greenhouse, outdoor trellis, and large garden area which bleeds into Feronia's Forest. It is heavily protected by various enchantments to keep the weather and climate conditions perfect as well as to keep intruders out. People say that you can sometimes see Nexus tending to the flowers with a content smile on his face and a quietly hummed melody in the air.

Diafthora Cave System

The infamous caves where Nexus lived, raising his children and family. Certain parts of the cave as you delve deeper are actually quite nicely decorated and made to look like real rooms. In the golden days of corruption there were lavish parties, balls, meetings and other such fare that took place here. Now, most of it is abandoned and forgotten to the ravages of time. Flowers grow here that don't dare grow anywhere else, and the cave systems are so wide and expansive not even Nexus has explored them all.


This is the name of the throne room and its throne. A forbidden place filled with shadows and whispers that seem to come from all around you. The throne will offer you anything it can to tempt you into sitting upon it or, failing that, swearing your devotion to the one who does sit upon it. Be careful what you wish for though because you might just get it, but not in the way you would have wanted. Only those with the strongest souls or who have achieved true fulfillment are safe from this malicious entity.

The Undergrounds

A forbidden place of unspeakable pain and darkness, almost a separate plane of existence hidden deep beneath the land and outside of the normal flow of time. This is where Nexus was banished to after the war, locked away for many, many years. It is said some of the worst Vanis have also been banished to this place, and some may be without sight and depend on other senses, possibly making them more dangerous than Nexus himself. This is the place where Nemesis hides and resides, having somehow found a way to enter and exit it at will, and where her obsession with Nexus got wholly out of control. This place really, really, is not for the faint of heart. You do not want to find yourself here, especially not.

Crystallus Cave

The butterfly caves; a serene world made only for the species of BunnerFly, ruled by queens and kings passed down from generations. This place is no dark and gloomy cave, just follow the glowing flowers down their beautiful path and they will take you to the opening of a radiant field. The field is brimming with BunnerFlies who have long since taken a humanoid form, as well as glittering butterflies and first born bunnies, donning wings like their original form. Opposite to the spiders they have learned to live, grow and adapt. But to even get the chance to see these creatures you first have to get past the throne to even make your way into the deeper caves leading to their hidden, crystalline paradise. Even in as dark and corrupt an area as the caves are, the inherent purity of the field creates a protective aura, keeping the BunnerFlies safe from those who would wish to do them harm, and preserving the peace.

Infensus Cavern

This cavern is home to a species of spiders, one of the first species of Aermerea that were thought to be extinct, survivors retreated to this system during and after the war. They like to be left alone and not disturbed, going so far as to set up traps to lure people away from their Cavern rather than near it. Over the years they have adapted to live here and ever so slowly most have lost their ability to have a humanoid form, resulting in lots of fluffy spiders about, and very little guardians to tend them. The species is now on the verge of dying out unless the Prince is found and somehow repopulates them. A beautiful trove of gorgeously spun webs among foliage they feed on, most newer spiders have lost their fangs and ability to hunt larger prey, instead feeding on plants and small bugs. Their silk is very prized and highly sought after but most people think this place is nothing more than a myth.

Written by KizunaYui - Editors AzraelVek & cy-chin - Proofreading cy-chin