The City of Saltis ☆ Intro

the beloved fortress of thieves



Bastard colony. The criminal's paradise. Cherished, still, by a god. A mere urban legend.

But it is not. The City lives, it breathes, it suffers on the most unforgiving terrain of Myrme: the northern ice floes, too cold to grow crops and barely stable enough to build structures. Its residents are here on a wish, a hope, a last chance - exiled from their colonies, they have travelled here in pursuit of a dream: that they may find themselves beloved in the arms of a god once more.

Their god still walks among them, in shadows and disguises, enabling their fight against encroaching Shell Colony. And, when a refugee finds themselves finally accepted and loved by their citymates, they meet him - only once, only briefly, in a hazy dream, and find themselves bestowed the mantle of Immortality.


Leader:Metea; Clima


Capital:The City of Saltis

Founded:Year 11,111



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Saltis himself, god of the City, was disgusted with Ink Colony's rule. The sentence for a group of half-starved ergates and dinergates, caught stealing gyne food? Death. 

But before the executor's sword could loose, Saltis swept in from the heavens. He collected the ergates, the dinergates, and the few aner that stood against this wanton cruelty. 

He whisked them to the north, to the ice, and pledged that they build a haven here - a place where any forgone by the groupthink of the colonies may call home. Together with Metea and Clima, the ergates sentenced, they raised the first wall that would beget a fortress.


Saltis does not claim much territory. Though they insist most of the sea ice is theirs, they do not have the standing military to defend such vastness from Shell's ships. 

Their world is harsh. Blizzards strike near-constantly, sea behemoths creep underwater, and the lack of natural resources makes even a meal challenging. But their god remains stalwart - leaving them gifts of supplies, food, and shelter, enabling the Saltians to exist despite the danger.

In the far north reaches, the sheer cold and ambient magic coalesce into hardy, rare minerals and plants, under the snow layer. Expeditions are regularly held to collect these and refine them into use by the City.


Saltis is god. Saltis provided the residents with the supplies to begin existence here, and protects them from the worst of the world they exist in. All they have is owned to Saltis, and must be paid back in unrepenting love and worship of him.

Metea and Clima are adamant that Saltis does not require sacrifices or elaborate rituals. Rather, handwritten letters, notes, crafts, and small meals are his preferred thanks. They collect the day's gifts and leave them for him, in a small and rudimentary shrine near the center of the city. 

A gift is not expected daily, but it is socially unacceptable to not gift Saltis on holidays, celebrations, on birthdays, or after a streak of good luck.

Wings are seen as sacred - Saltis himself bestows them upon his favored. Newcomers to the City who are born with wings must cut them off and 'earn' them back before being gifted Immortality and being allowed to call themselves a Saltian.

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Internal Culture

The City is made of criminals, thieves, and undesirables - those who were cast from their colonies, unable to fit into Ant culture, those whose selfishness enticed them to place themselves above the colony. They have been hardened and worn from their struggle and suffering, and while unfriendly and individualistic, are utterly dedicated to the protection of their City.

Residents expect their peers to take care of themselves and deal with their own problems, but are willing to offer a helping hand in times of dire need or war.

Leaders & Government

Metea and Clima are the leaders, and the City attempts a facsimile of colony life, with several branches similar to that of normal colony structure. But all decisions ultimately fall upon Metea and Clima; their direct approval is required for any changes or decisions offered. As those closest to Saltis himself, they are generally revered, but not worshipped.

They hold open court in the center governmental gazebo, allowing any resident to speak of grievances or questions. Saltis himself is unavailable, but messages to him can typically be relayed through Clima.


There are no gyne in Saltis.

This concerns many residents. Population growth is slow, with its status as a myth and inability to leave the ice - many would-be residents either die on the journey or never embark on it at all. One day, Shell may focus their war efforts on the City and wipe it from the map.

Their rivals, Shell, have a mountain of gyne, but never living on the boats they use to strike at the City. Still, if they can somehow capture one....

War & Violence

War is part of who Ants are. It and violence define them - it is in their nature to wage it, whether over resources, gyne, or morality. But there is no joy to be taken in it, the City claims, only simple understanding.

After all, the City's population is too small to risk many of its resident's lives. Though they are Immortal and cannot die of age, still plaguing them are injuries, disease, and drowning. Celebrating the possibility of losing any individual is a fool's thinking.

They do not expect Saltis to directly assist them in battles - merely provide a boon, or turn the tides in their favor. Curbstomping Shell might be the trigger for them to wipe out the City.


Many of the City's buildings are utilitarian, constructed from stone bricks, carved ice, and concrete. Temperatures are below freezing on a good day, and so many residents huddle around bonfires, either indoors or outdoors. Rudimentary electric systems, crafted by the City's main engineer - Alluca - supply some heating, lighting, and basic amenities, but it is overall not a pleasant existence.

The only beautiful structure is the governmental gazebo - open to the air, so all may hear as Metea or Clima serve the residents. Made of enchanted wood that cannot be damaged, its intricate carvings and paint might be garish, but serve as an important beacon to the Saltians. Governmental documentation and supplies are kept elsewhere.

Physical labor is seen as the most useful way to keep warm. Constructing new buildings, walls, ships, or weapons are all acceptable past-times.

Opinions in the Territories

Saltis owns no territories, but has recently claimed the outpost of Shelltia for themselves. Originally intended to be a base of operations for a raid by Shell, the City discovered the plan and countered before Shell could relay new instructions. They have taken the few Shelltians prisoner and discussion are underway on how to handle them.

Foreign Policy

Saltis is little more than legend to most colonies. Coupled with its remote location, it has little contact with Letter, Clover, Ink, Rain, and Abyssal. Fiercely independent, this is how the City prefers it, anyways.

Ink and Shell carry the most stories and myths of Saltis, though they are more common in Shell. 


The City considers no colony its allies; they are all corrupt and complacent in destroying an individual if it suits the leader's whims. A few bands of Abyssal explorers have come across the City, but follow-up visits never happen.


Shell. Their longtime rival, the raiding marauders. Shell's only land claims are near the City, and their ships regularly patrol the Ftothe Ocean, where Saltians lay claim. Skirmishes are expected, though they rarely escalate into full-on raids or battles. 

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