
Crimson Coast lies along the beautiful shorelines of Nova Scotia, Canada. It is known by many for being a colorful city bustling with life. From humans, to mutants, to advanced AI and more — one could tell right off the bat that it is a place with unbelievable uniqueness. In light of sentient machines, it is worth mentioning that this peculiar city has advanced far to remarkable lengths. It hosts some of the most biggest robot fighting leagues, technology development companies, as well as bizarre sport stadiums that possess their own special twists. With this in mind, residents have found themselves relying on technology more than ever before, be it manufacturing or meeting essential needs. Without it, they would be nothing at this point.

Do not let its pretty sights fool you, however, for crime lurks in even the kindest of corners. Due to the advanced nature of Crimson Coast, it has grown to become a breeding ground for crime of all kinds. Gang activity, trafficking of illegal drugs, chemicals and other substances that can do more than get one high, petty thievery and battery... the list goes on and on. It is highly advised to keep an eye out for your surroundings and your belongings close to your person, seeing as you can never know what could really happen to you in the streets of Crimson Coast.

This is a hub world for GingerBons, EmpurrorMooks, Mewrder, and Redmop!