The flight that resides in this territory, the Garden of the Sun as it is known by many, are a rather peaceful group that somewhat keeps to themselves. They do not go around causing trouble for others or unnecessarily attacking anyone, finding that acting on a bond of tentative trust is better than assuming everyone is out to get them.

However, they are a very strong flight, with well-trained defenders and a tight-knit community. They live according to the old ways, but with the addition of modern technology to make their lives easier. As such they have firm traditions and superstitions but are also open to new ideas and ways of doing things.

The leader, Haruki, lives by one rule and one alone: Under the light of the sun, we are all equal.

There is no discrimination with the Garden, as Haruki would not stand for such things. While he is the leader, he sees himself as no different than a regular member of his community and encourages others within the flight to believe the same. This has led to a very open and welcoming community for skylings, outsiders included as long as they mean no harm to the flight.

The flight in the Garden stands strong together, helping each other when it's needed, and even extending this help to others who only ask for it kindly. Everyone has a place within the flight, and they take pride in doing their assigned tasks, working for the good of the flight as a whole and not just to satisfy the whims of their leader.