"Wars are won with men, who gives a damn where they come from, if the corpse can move of it's own will or anothers...why does it matter to you?"
- General C. Fawkes

Demi-monde, or half life. A world seeped in tradition and long reaching history. It's Gods left forgotten by the people of the West by the height of the Golden Age though their war continues. The old world will seep in through the cracks soon enough like tar in the mire. And from the bones will come the power to win this war.

The world of Demi-Mond is seperated by mostly natural borders, to the West lies the Imperial forces to the East lie the Empire and it's Necromancer's. The North holds the small kingdom, as well as the forests and regions the Nephilium reside within.  This world, the rocks, the sky the trees, each and every atom  contains a connection to magic. Though this can be overlooked by most, there is truth here for the energy contained is able to be manipulated by the most primal of forces.



The land to the West, home to the Emperor and his league of Necromancers. Seperated into what would be a Northern and Southern state these people rely heavily on the magic of Necromancy and the realms of the sciences. Although both are not without technology it is how they have come about their own ways to bolister their forces that seperates them.



 The Kingdom of the North, Guruvegan home to the Royal family Tsviets and their long history of Vivimancy. The current King, Alphonse G. Tsviets. Trade between the North and the other nations is strong, 





Home to the Eastern borders, those seeped in the pratice of controling the living through blood magic. They seek to return to the ways of old, living as one nation and bringing back their heretic Western brother's from the pratice of black magic. 



The Kingdom of sand, split into three parts. The Upper delta, the Middlands and the Lowlands. 



Largely forming the lands between the Eastern and Western empires are the Fen lands. The Fen lands are largely home to the bands of Nephilum and other travelers who roam these forests. Land squables between smaller villages and noble houses are still common though the Caravans of Nephilium rarely ever go as far as to stay within these small villages for longer than a day or two. It is a vast expanse touching both the southern and 

The forest of the north to the west of the snow covered peaks slopes down into the marshlands near the western border of the Imperium. Although this is considered a neutral zone conflict still has found its way here. The forest itself is built like that of the sea. The land slopes downward and as trees begin to thicken, closer and closer together further in. Though the edge of the forest itself seems to be devoid of creatures, the deeper into the forest the larger the creatures become and more terrifying.




Apart from the standard humanoid species there are several other dominant races an even subraces of humans found throughout both of the empires.



Found largely in the 


Though found in both empires, their employment in both the Eastern and Western empires varries greatly. Mostly found within the Fen Lands or other less densely populated areas. Barghest are hightly dedeicated to their bloodlines rather than affiliations through employment or other means. So much so that from an early age their fur is shaved along the arms and through parts of the chest in order to tattoo the skin to show their alleigances. Because of their fine, lightly colored fur these tattoos are often confused with markings or patterns which occur naturally though they are entirely all manmade.

In mixed or less than pleasureable company these creatures can be refered to as 'Shucks'. 

The Nephilium, being a highly nomadic people live and thrive in their small close nit communities. Operating out of their caravans made from thick sturdy wagons of wood and iron framework. These wagons are made when two within the trible consumate their marriage, their first and only gift on their wedding day is a wagon made by the father's of the bride and groom, even the other generations of men pitch in for the task. It is within these walls of the wagons the family will truly begin and for generations continue until the third or fourth generation where upon the small collective will break from the main tribe into a smaller band. Usually the wagons themselves are kept within a collective theme, and even there are a few instances where newcommers to the tribe, such in the case of Silas that his wagon was not so much as made by the tribe but converted from an older horse cart when he stayed to watch over the young Viktor for a time.

Small snippets collected over time of basic sayings or phrases used by the Nephilium tribes.

Val'Ravn -'Eater of the slain'
Mal Abalas - 'The Old Mother'
Et Mal lan alas - 'May the Mother's light guide you'
Nephilium - 'The Raven's People



Like all primal forces, magic split into elements is the most abundant form of the energy within the world. This energy exists within all forms of matter, living and inanimate and can be accessed by mages through focus.  There are 'elements' for lack of  a better word and by all accounts some mages are more attune to certian kinds due to their disposition or magical background and training. These are not however the elements found in most texts. But rather the elements of Cinder, Sweat, Smoke, Bone.

The reason for this being told in the Nephilium stories that when the Old mother's children broke free from her womb, the sweat fell from her brow to create the sea, her bones broken by her children were scattered about. The Cinder from when her corpse caught fire in the sun and the smoke which filled the lungs of men and gave her last creation form from under the rot of her corpse. Though not as pretty of a picture as some would like, these elements of magic are not as strict as some would believe oftentimes overlapping to form stronger bonds and spells such as the power to control storms.


A magic primarialy praticed by the Western military. 
Necromancy is very important to the Empire and it's people. Long gone are the days of old  where men in black robes summoned spirits of the dead to decipher what their enemy was planning. The rise of the Devil's Surgeon's carved a new era of Necromancy, an era of scientific study and procedure never seen before in the history of the
Empire. Raising the dead en mass, as though lining up parts for the production of machines. Necromancy has lost it's intimate connection with the dead and as such has become a comercialized art though still highly guarded amoung the  upperclass. There has not been a General in the Imperium for over 40 years now to come from a house unrecognized in the upper courts. 

At best the time spent to become even a low level Necromancer ranges anywhere from 5- 8 years of training. Military tactics and advanced medical skill are both required to even be considered for the Captian's mentorship, after which more specialized training begins. At the end of their mentorship the Captians will be required to submit their thesis, as well as perform several complex necromantic tasks before their final feat. A mass raising of 25 or more undead over a short period of time using only a single method. 




Praticed primarily in the Eastern part of the world, Hematomancy is the ability to control the living by use of blood. This method of control can be forced upon the individual though is useless after death. There are several ways to achieve this desired control referd to as Anointing, Conscription and Sacrifice. The commonality between each method is the blood to blood contact used to create the binding contract. As long as there is blood in the enchanter who casts the ritual then individuals will remain under their control.

The process of anointing through blood magic is the more pleasant of the two paths.  As the name states the magic for anointing spreads from the crown point on the head and raidiates to the temples, two smaller sigils appearing there. These are warriors usually who have willingly joined the cause and have given up their ability to make complex decisions. 

 Being conscripted 


The Old Mother
  The Raven Son 


Religion is not as important to those of the Imperium as it is to the Nephilium and that of the kingdom of the west. Though in the Western nations religion is more strctured the Nephilium still find themselves in places of worship founded by their ancestors, or hallowed ground as it were.



General Duncan Agusstie - A General whose controbutions to the art of Necromancy differ depend on who you ask. Some consider him a fool to be so wrapped up in the wise tales of the Nephiulium and the Valravn. Others tend to focus more on his controbutions to the surgical field of Necromancy itself rather than the later years when he published the body of work he is sadly most famous for, the 'Sycophant Papers'. The title usually used as an acknowledgement to Duncan's feelings towards the Valravn itself.

Grand Duchess Artemisia - The leader of a small Southernly kingdom within the Fen Lands. Though their support of the Empire is questioned by none their culture leaves most who visit in a state of disarray.

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