
  🐙   Tentaskull - closed species created by Darksiders @gasrforum🐙

AKA: Otterkaji @ twitter/DA/Twitch/legit everywhere

Tentaskull & Art Discord:



Who are Tentaskulls:NzrzJTM.png.

Humanoid creatures do not come from earth. Where they exist is an alternate time/reality where humans have explored more of space than is possible at the moment. Humans found a planet that is all water, and it is able to hold life. These creatures evolved as humans, but obviously not all the way. The skull portain of the species is the most interesting. It's stated that this planet can hold life, but it cannot sustain it, as evolution tried to create man, it failed. Skulls and bones of the drowned were left to soak in the never ending ocean on this planet and with that, nature did the rest. With no land, Tentaskull started off as a simple minded nautilus, taking shelter in these skulls, using them as shells. They then evolved into octopus/squid. As squid died out on this once unforgiving planet, the highly sophisticated octopus thrived, opting to keep and evolve their old "shells" to mimic that of man; This created an entirely new subspecies of the Octopus/Nautilus family. As nature does, she tried again and evolution took its course to create who we know as Tentaskulls.

 This new highly intelligent sub species of octopus was coined as the Tentaskull by space explorer and oceanographer "McOtter". Upon arrival of this planet it was scientifically named OT-801-Delfin and simply dubbed as "Octopoda-3" explorers and space travelers alike were astounded to find a highly developed underwater nation that was jokingly called Atlantis. It seemed like the more humans visited this planet, the faster Tentaskull evolved and learned. In every way possible, Tentaskull were light years ahead of us; They’ve mastered our science and passed down generations of magi and telekinesis. 

 As time continued on, Tentaskull began to explore above water as their planet evolved with them due to human interference. Space exploration continued, so did trips and expeditions to this planet; And as the galaxies highway like pathways were formed, foreign substances entered this once untouched ecosystem. With the amount of space trash and disruption of this once untouched corner of the galaxy, something was bound to be out of place, things were no longer in alignment. A rogue meteorite, that was strayed from its course via human placed satellite, carrying a substance that all Tentaskull called ⏁⊑⟒ ⌰⎍⋔⟟⋏⍜⎍⌇ ⋔⟟⌇⏁, which translates to “The Luminous Mist” or “Life Flame”, struck the surface of this planet; And with the blink of an eye, all life ceased to exist…..only for a moment. Humans were stunned when news of this pinged around every international space station, this species was gone, completely wiped.

 This strange mist escaped the now crushed meteorite and wafted over the planet and crept into every crack and crevice of the planets surface and bones. Something in the particles of this air was alien like, it was life like. Like an ember to a flame, life took ablaze. An otherworldly life reclaimed the planet, and the Tentaskull rose again, unlike before. A possession.

Latest Bulletin

Tentaskull Owner Masterlist

Posted 4 years, 6 months ago by Otterkaji

Updated: 10/20/2022

MYO made Tentaskull 

  •  jahh - Ascended MYO owner
  • Niwan/Taemin GASRFORUM/ArtHaven  - Legendary MYO owner
  • Valkyrie @ GASRFORUM/ArtHaven  - special legendary owner
  • Ferns @ GASRFORUM/ArtHaven   - special legendary owner
  • Ellie @ GASRFORUM/ArtHaven   - special legendary owner
  • Animu @ GASRFORUM/ArtHaven aka weebu   - special ascended owner
  • Taemin @ ArtHaven - Ascended owner 
  • Milkpaw @ ArtHaven - Ascended owner
  • Playtime @ ArtHaven - Common owner [ Gifted to Cannibalism
  •  jahh - Ascended MYO owner [09]
  • Aynaet @ ArtHaven - special legendary owner
  • Jamie @ ArtHaven/Discord - Ascended owner
  • jahh - Ascended MYO owner
  • Aynaet - Ascended MYO owner
Adopt bought Tentaskull: 

10/04 -Cannibalism @ GASRFORUM/Toyhouse : Bought an adoptable

10/04 -Lunna @ GASRFORUM/ArtHaven : Bought an adoptable

10/09 -Anarchy @ GASRFORUM/ArtHaven : Bought an adoptable & a Legendary MYO upgrade

10/27 -Lunna @ GASRFORUM/ArtHaven : Bought an adoptable

10/27 -Otters @ GASRFORUM/ArtHaven : Bought an adoptable

10/27 - Tyranicorn @ GASRFORUM/ArtHaven : Bought an adoptable 

12/5 - Naden @ GASRFORUM/ArtHaven : Bought an adoptable 

12/14 - Taemin @ GASRFORUM/ArtHaven : Bought an adoptable

12/14 - Ferns @ GASRFORUM/ArtHaven : Bought an adoptable

12/14 - Tyranicorn @ GASRFORUM/ArtHaven : Bought an adoptable

12/16 - Valkyrie @ GASRFORUM/ArtHaven : Bought an adoptable

12/30 - Ferns @ GASRFORUM/ArtHaven : Got a custom made Tentaskull via patreon reward 

3/10 - Naden @ Arthaven & Daniella @ Arthaven won a Tentaskull auction