Rarity & Trait Sheets

Rarity & Traits
for Cyber Pixies


all traits are subject to change at any time, but all members will be notified if so!
if major changes are made to traits & rarities, all members affected will be compensated with trait changes or otherwise!

you MUST include at least one trait from each section on your design! - excluding applied traits
( 1 trait from eyes, antennae or horns, wings, ears, and tails each )
even if your design has 'no tail'/'no ears', that is a trait and you must specify!

for each myo, please keep in mind you can use unlimited traits within that rarity!
(ex. you own a rare myo, you can use as many rare, uncommon, or common traits as you want)


the visual guide can be found here!
keep in mind you can change small aspects about most traits, like the type of leaves for natural tails or the outlet type for plug tails! but always approve drastic changes through the myo approval center & myo help channel of the discord!

certain things aren't counted as traits, and can be used no matter rarity!
these things are: skin color, eye color, clothing / accessories, markings / scars / etc, disabilities / body differences*, piercings / tattoos / etc
*this can include anything from mandatory walkers being part of their design, to added / missing limbs, to dwarfism or downs syndrome

these will never be traits, and ur free to include them in your designs anytime!


feel free to draw eyes in whatever style you'd like,
just make sure to specify they're stylized if a mod doesn't realize!

normal (common)
dual-colored (common) (heterochromia or similar)
shaped (uncommon) (heart/square/triangle/etc pupils)
closed (rare) (permanently closed, displayed in ref)
compact (rare) (similar to a fly/other insect)
multiple (ultra rare) (any amount)
singular (ultra rare) (cyclops-like)
elemental (legendary) (fire, water, air, etc)
natural (legendary) (leaves, plant growth, flowers, etc)


can be any length or color!
feel free to add both antennae & horns onto your myo,
as long as you have the correct rarity!

normal (common)
shaped (common) (fluffy, squares, etc)
curled (uncommon) (similar to a butterfly's)
bulbs (rare) (similar to a moth's)
feelers (rare) (similar to a beetle's)
natural (ultra rare) (leaves, plant growth, flowers, etc)

can be any length or color!

normal (uncommon) (any standard looking design)
wild animal (rare) (similar to rams, goats, bulls, etc)
elemental (legendary) (fire, water, air, etc)

+loppy (common)
+rings (uncommon) (any amount)
+multiple (ultra rare) (more than two)


wings can be any color, or opacity!
feel free to also make them a gradient, regardless of rarity

simple (common) (no patterning/shapes present & wing shape is naturally occurring, similar to butterflies)
detailing (common) (moderately sized shapes/patterns on some of the wings & wing shape is any basic shape OR any naturally occurring shape)
patterned (uncommon) (any largely existing pattern on most of the wings & wing shape is any basic shape OR any naturally occurring shape)
complex (rare) (any full encompassing, detailed patterning & wing shape being unnaturally occurring shapes)
angelic (ultra rare) (similar to a bird / angel's, often feathery)
demonic (ultra rare) (similar to a bat / demon's, often with thin skin & rough)
elemental (legendary) (made of fire, water, air, etc)
natural (legendary) (made of leaves, plant growth, flowers, etc)


please see above about skintone!

human (common)
elven v1 (common) (upward facing)
elven v2 (common) (downward facing)
droid v1 (uncommon) (similar to animal ears)
droid v2 (uncommon) (similar to elven v1 ears)
droid v3 (uncommon) (similar to elven v2 ears)
domestic animal (rare) (similar to cats, dogs, hamsters, etc)
wild animal (rare) (similar to wolves, foxes, bunnies, etc)
misc (rare) (anything not fitting the two categories above, will be given upon mod request)
angel wings (ultra rare) (similar to a bird / angel's, often feathery)
insect wings (ultra rare) (similar to butterflies, dragonflies, etc)
demon wings (ultra rare) (similar to a bat / demon's, often with thin skin & rough)
elemental (legendary) (made of fire, water, air, etc)
natural (legendary) (made of leaves, plant growth, flowers, etc)

none (legendary)


these can be any length / color / pattern,
as long as they are visible OR separately drawn in the ref!

plug (common) (any type of existing plug, regardless of model)
usb (common) (any type of existing usb, regardless of model)
shaped (common) (heart/square/triangle/etc shaped)
frayed wire (uncommon) (visibly frayed wire of any sort)
headphones (uncommon) (headphones/earbuds of any existing model)
none (uncommon)
domestic animal (rare) (similar to cats, dogs, hamsters, etc)
wild animal (rare) (similar to wolves, foxes, bunnies, etc)
demon (ultra rare) (similar to a demon / imp's)
elemental (legendary) (fire, water, air, etc)
natural v1 (legendary) (made of leaves, plant growth, flowers, etc)
natural v2 (legendary) (made of logs, stumps, branches, etc)


these are a lot of varied traits, make sure to ask questions if needed!

+rings (common) (rings around tail, arms, legs, etc)
+mimicry (uncommon) (can mimic sounds of other creatures, purely cosmetic trait for lore purposes/etc)
+glitching (uncommon) (glitch patterning on nay part of the body)
+fangs (rare) (specific teeth of a longer length, small to sabretooth size)
+paws (rare) (hands/feet replaced with paws)
+tiny wings (rare) (anything below 50% body size)
+super wings (rare) (anything above 100% body size)
+teeny size (ultra rare) (smaller than 3 feet)
+super size (ultra rare) (larger than 8 feet)
+object head (ultra rare) (head replaced with object of some kind, tech based only)
+multiple limbs (ultra rare) (multiple legs, arms, tails, heads, etc)
+living tail (legendary) (tail that is a living animal/etc of some kind)