About the World
Multiversal | Social Media-Based | AU Possible | Smut Possible | Open to Join

CW: Triggering themes may be present. Proceed with caution.

The group was founded by toxicToxophilite.
All content belongs to its rightful creators and the moderator team.
Welcome all new members, be sure to write an introduction before you join!
This is a semi-casual roleplay world!!!

This world is dedicated to Homestuck roleplay in a sense that you may not have experienced it before.

There's no overall plot, no headcanons you have to follow, no character slots to fill.

Instead, the world exists of many different worlds, all existing in their own timelines. Some timelines serve as a crossroads, some have never heard of the multiverse, some characters might meet copies of themselves that have lived an entirely different life.

It is said that every choice a person makes since the beginning of time is what causes a new timeline; a line where one thing happened and the other thing didn't. That's what makes the multiverse. This world and the messageboard within is where these different multiverses and timelines can cross and interact with one another.

Transportalizer technology created by SkaiaNET as well as appearafiers and similar tech can help people cross easily into different worlds, which makes possibilities endless when it comes to meeting new characters.

Outside of the AU forums, all characters exist in a linear fashion--every interaction becomes part of their canon moving onward, rather than being isolated roleplay that starts and ends with each thread.

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