How to transfer PKMN and Items

If you have a PKMN up for trade please comment below with the filled in form:

You can also fill in the form and post it to our discord´s new Trade Channel:

Pokémon Species / Nickname:
(is it shiny, has it mutations, etc?)

Current reference Image, if you drew it yet: 

Ownership Proof: (Post the link of the log comment you did when you received the PKMN)

Biological Gender: 

(if you evolved it: ) Evolution Log: (post the link of the comment you logged the evolution on)

(if you customized it: )Links of Customizing Loggings: (Post the link of the comment you logged for customizing your PKMN)

Looking for: (you can only ask for other Group Intern PKMN or Art)

If you are looking for a PKMN be as specific as you can be. Gender, Shiny, special markings, customizations, etc.

This is how a trade conversation might look like:…

Important Logging for transfered PKMN: Once you traded a PKMN (or eggs / fossils) to another member, comment on the Ownership Proof link, who you gave it to. Example: unknown.pngThis is how you log the PKMN (and eggs / fossils) you received from someone else: (I made a mother comment called "received PKMN")  unknown.png   The Trade Proof link should link to the former ownership log of the former member, on which they commented to transfer the PKMN / Egg / Fossil to you

URLs just in case..

If you´re looking for a certain PKMN or have one for trade or simply want to learn how to log a trade, clicTransfering Items works the same

Reply to the comment you logged the item on when you received it with "transfering to @username". Example: unknown.png If the person who received your item is going to use it, they do it like this: unknown.png and unknown.png