In-Lore terms and FAQ

Important In-lore Terminology:

Aw0001 - Aw0001 (pronounced Awoo and stylized from the word Awooo!) is the name of the company creating Digital Voice Artificial Intelligence (DVAI). 

Aw000 - DVAI. Plural Aw000 are often stylized as Aw0005. People may also refer to them by the short, English phrase “Awoo”. 

These are intelligent and self-aware AI that must inhabit android bodies in order to physically interact with the world outside.

Aw0005 exist as a digital companion and may be accessed through either a computer, certain game consoles, or on your phone. Models on the phone are shown as chibi versions.

Contract - This is an in-lore contract designed by Aw0001 Inc. Included in the contract is a binding, legal statement that gives the Aw000 and Player equal partnership. Both parties have the right to decide if they wish to continue the partnership.

Digital Voice Artificial Intelligence (DVAI) - Classification of Aw000 generation. Technical term meant to differentiate between the two Digital Aw0001 generations.

Digital Voice Character (DVC) - Classification of Aw000 generation. Technical term for the first generation Aw0001 which were not installed with AI Banks. This generation no longer exists and is obsolete.

Player - Any Human, Cyborg, or humanoid non-Aw000 Entity who has partner Aw000(s). This term is a hold-over from the first days of Aw0005 DVC era. These Players often work together with Aw0005 to help support each other as friends/family. (Real world equivalents would be adopters of Aw0001 designs!)

Subscription Plan - Subscription plans are based upon whether a Player has any Aw000 companions. This is a flat fee regardless of the number of Aw0005. Maintenance of the digital and android Aw000 is free, but upgrade of traits requires a small fee.


How is LGBTQ+ rights in this world?

LGBTQ+ folks have never experienced any sort of prejudice for being LGBTQ+ (and the lore will never have that happen in the future). It's more common for people against them to be ostracized or viewed as morally wrong.