✦ fleuros lore


✦ F L E U R O S ✦

species by hiccnata, please do not make your own

The Fleuros are demigods who dwell in the human realm with the task of granting wishes in order to ensure the continuation of their existence.

✦ origin ✦

It had once been said that long ago when the creation of the universe had barely been completed, there existed two beings namely Life and Death.

During that time, they existed only for each other. Life then soon fell in love with Death. That was before they had been torn asunder.

Together, they had lived in harmony, peace, and tranquillity. Neither one of them could imagine anything bad happening in the imminent future...

Until the time came where they created Earth.

Life had fallen terribly in love with the creatures of her creation; namely the animals, humans, the trees and flowers.

Unbeknownst to Life, jealousy rooted itself deep in the heart of Death. With his judgement being clouded with covetousness, his will was to eliminate all the creations of Life in order to have her all to himself.

With the thought seeping deeper into his mind, Death began to annihilate everything he touched, snuffing out the existence of many creations as he ran rampant.

Terrified of what might happen if Death held their child she was currently bearing, Life decided to escape towards Earth where she hid their baby inside of a kind, caring and nurturing virgin woman.

With grief, sorrow, and tears threatening to spill from the confines of her colorless orbs, Life set out towards Death to cease his destructive actions in an attempt to restore peace and order to the way it had been.

The day soon came when the baby was born, and he was blessed with the power of both Life and Death. His hair was adorned with alluring blossoms; a gift from Life, and from Death, a tail constructed of osseous matter; bones, with no flesh and skin attached to the appendage.

He was both beautiful and terrifying, yet his godmother, the young lady who had given birth to him, accepted him for what he is. She was even mesmerized and awestruck at how exquisite his appearance was- as if he was a work of art concocted by the Gods and Goddesses themselves.

He happily resided in the home of his godmother, who took care of him as if he was her own child. She nurtured him and raised him with love, but alas, a human’s lifespan is short, and she breathed her last at the age of 80, leaving him alone.

The baby boy was aware that he is no immortal being, unlike his mother and father. He secretly wished to have a prolonged life than his supposed fate of living a human's lifespan.

All he was cognizant of about living a long life was that he could not do so without using his powers to grant other people's wishes. In exchange, the person who desires to have their wish granted would have to give away some of their lifespan in order for his powers to work.

Thus began his journey of granting wishes…

✦ lifespan ✦

Fleuros are mortal beings with an average lifespan of up to 90 years old.

They are able to die by age, but also by other factors such as if they are killed, or if they are ill. Many other factors that can harm humans can also harm Fleuros.

Though there are characteristics where Fleuros are alike to humans, the main difference between them is that Fleuros can live much longer than their intended lifespan as long as they keep granting wishes from humans.

Fleuros can live longer than that of 80 and 90 years old, or even eternally due to the fact that upon granting a human's wishes, a portion of the human's lifespan will be offered to the Fleuros. The more people that Fleuros help in granting wishes, the longer they will live as their lifespan will be continuously added by the humans' offerings.


✦ flowers ✦

Fleuros have noticeable physical traits that make them distinguishable. They have many kinds of matching flowers decorating their hair and tails.

They come in a maximum of three types of flower combinations, never more. Each combination is unique to every Fleuros, duplicates are impossible for the species.


✦ earmarks ✦

Their ears are separated into four types; no mark, birthmark, bones, and flower pistils. Fleuros are all born with No Marks or Birthmarks. After they start to grow up and begin to grant wishes will their markings begin to form and turn into Bones / Flower Pistils on their empty ears. Those with a bone pattern on their ears prefer/are forced to grant evil wishes and they are excellent at it. They’re usually supported with strong destructive types of magic to help with their wish-granting quests. Although they can grant good wishes too, they rarely do it. Flower Pistils are adorned on the ears as a symbol of the ability to grant good wishes. Those who are blessed with this ability can grant even the most common of tasks to brighten one’s day. They are also able to grant malicious wishes but rarely do so.

Fleuros with no mark on their ears shows their ability to grant both evil and good wishes equally. This can change if a Fleuros with no marks begins to outweigh their equal granting towards one side over the other. If this happens, a bone pattern will eventually start to show to signify that they have granted too many evil wishes over good ones. This can also happen the other way around if one chooses to grant more good wishes, they may begin to see a flower pistil pattern form inside their ears.

Those with a birthmark on their ears—in which they possess since birth—may grant both evil and good wishes for a lifetime. Even if they choose to grant more good wishes rather than malicious ones (or vice versa), their birthmark will forever remain on their ears. These birthmarks may come in many different shapes and symbols like stars and eyes.

Fleuros cannot have both flower pistils and bones at the same time, however, there are some that have a combination of half birthmark/half bones or half birthmark/half flower pistils. This is also not limited to no mark, as possibilities of those combinations exist as well. Those with a combination will usually follow their more defined half (Bones / Flower Pistil) when it comes to their wish-granting abilities.

✦ wish granting ✦

Fleuros treat wish-granting as somewhat of a business. To them, a mortal's lifespan is as tempting as money. This is a driving factor in what causes some Fleuros to prefer to grant malicious wishes over good ones.

Though each earmark type represents the strong suits in what the Fleuros are capable of granting, they are not bound to evil/good wishes and can still grant both types if they have solely Bones or Flower Pistils. In exchange for this, the mortal’s lifespan can cost more if requesting a different type of wish than what the Fleuros is usually suited to grant. If a Fleuros begins granting more good wishes than evil ones (or vice versa), their marks can eventually change from their current markings (except for birthmarks) into flower pistils or bones. When a Fleuros grants a balanced number of good and evil wishes, they may have no marks in their ears to signify this. (Design wise, a trait changer is needed to show this aspect)

Example: A Fleuros with Flower Pistils can grant an evil wish but requires the mortal to give up double the lifespan than one with Bones/Birthmark/No Mark. 


✦ bone tail ✦

The tail is one of the most captivating physical features of Fleuros. Unlike normal tail types such as animals like cats, dogs, or even dinosaurs, their tails are made solely of bones without any flesh or skin attached. They are also decorated with flowers, much like their hair.

However, tails are not just some aesthetic physical attribute for Fleuros; they hold an important purpose. Their tails are one of the most important sources for their magical powers. The condition of their tails affects their strength and abilities. Fleuros with perfect tails; no cracks or flaws are called the exquisites. Fleuros with this type of tail have some of the strongest magical ability, nonetheless, they are also the ones hunted the most by bounty hunters. They’re worth a ridiculously high price, that once someone sells the exquisite, they will no longer have to worry about riches for the rest of their life.

Because of their perfect condition, the exquisites may come in three different colors; natural bone white, broken white (an off-white realistic bone color), or natural black.

Besides the Fleuros with perfect tails, the less fortunate and imperfect ones do exist alongside them. Bone tails that are frail, flawed, cracked, partly broken, or even shattered also have the possibility to occur. Accidents, fights, or even encounters with bounty hunters may result in broken tails and thus will affect their magic ability. Fleuros with imperfect tails still retain some of their magic ability, only to be able to perform it in lower levels than those with perfect tails. Despite their sorry state, imperfect tails can come in two different colors; broken white, or broken black.

There also exists Fleuros without natural tails. Once their tails become fully broken or lost, their magic ability and body balance will disappear completely. Except, of course, their wish-granting ability. Fleuros without tails may replace it with an artificial bone tail made of many different materials; gold, silver, steel, mica, or other lightweight materials. The colors will vary according to the type of material they are made of. Although the artificial tail won’t bring back their magic ability, it serves as a prosthetic to retain their body balance.


✦ taboo ✦

Unfortunately, not all Fleuros play fair by the rules.

There are Fleuros who stray from the general rules of the species and decide to turn to more depraved ways. They possess a distinct physical appearance, and most of all, distinct magical abilities compared to the normal Fleuros. They change the game, they make contracts with devils, they absorb other Fleuros’ magic, and outsmart the rules.

When a Fleuros performs illegal magic, they will now be known as “The Taboo”.

The Game Changer: The Taboo who are using the game changer ability are able to perform prohibited magic; seeing the future and having the ability to change it. When a Fleuros decides to perform such magic, sometimes their sclera may turn into any other unusual colors, and each time they perform this taboo, an eye will appear somewhere on their body. This eye consumes a Fleuros’ lifespan; the more they perform this magic, the shorter their lifespan will become, and the sooner they die. This curse will cause the Fleuros to have to continuously grant wishes as many as they can, for it is the only way to defer their untimely demise.

The Bone Winged: However, just like other normal Fleuros, The Taboo also rely on their magic power coming from their tails. Their magical power is one of the most important aspects in their world, and it can be extremely dangerous for a Fleuros to live with or without weakened magic as fights, harmful wishes, and bounty hunters may cause them harm. Alas, the Taboo seeks nefarious ways to help them regain their magic power.

The Taboo won’t let themselves be left with only two choices once their tails are gone. They cannot accept death, or live without their magical abilities. They develop a special capability to absorb other Fleuros’ magic and make it theirs. It’s a practice banned in the Fleuros world for it causes their bodies to break and die from having different types of magic flowing in one body. However, the Taboo outsmarts this disadvantage and escapes this lethal side effect by developing the ability to form objects, grow bone tails and bone wings using their magic.

This power will grant them with certain physical attributes; they will grow fangs, their sclera will have the possibility of turning into other usual colors too, and their bone tails along with their wings will be of the same color. With these physical attributes, if one cannot contain all of the other person’s power fully, they will have to use the remaining excess power to magically form accessories like earrings, shawls, bangles, swords, etc.

The Devil Buff: There are Taboos who choose to make contracts with devils so they can regain their magic power—or even enhance it—using the devil’s buff. The Taboo who uses a devil’s buff possesses a noticeable change in appearance; sometimes their sclera can turn into unusual colors, and magic essence will begin to leak from their ears and sometimes mouth. Devil’s buff may grant them this power, but the devils will trade a Fleuros’ soul for it. Their lifespans will deplete quickly so the devils may reap their souls sooner. If the Taboo are not careful and do not many grant wishes to maintain their lives; they may die sometimes earlier than their original lifespans have intended for.

Considering the power, abilities, and advantages of turning to a malicious path; would you dare to take the risks? Would you dare race with death?