The Seven Sages

Above the power of humans, there are the seven sages. The seven sages are the pillars of the material and spiritual worlds, they exist for all time, but do not exist in the temporal plane. Most advanced civilizations refer to them as mere concepts.

There are seven “muses” that are physical embodiments of the concepts of the sages. In most legends each sage is attributed to holding their muse as their own personal weapon.

Rather than being "Stored history" like other Ethereals they're embodiments of humanity and the planet humans live on. As such, they're malleable concepts that progress with the civilizations they watch over and aren't subject to an outdated mentality like some of the ethereals that are promoted to that position. That is to say whatever the current "collective consciousness" of humanity thinks will shape their personality. So when talking to a sage now a days, they would seem like any modern human.

As an extreme example of this: if it became so commonplace to say kill your first born child at the age of 5 to the point that no one questioned why they were doing this, the sages would also change their mentality to accept this "new humanity". That being said, the general consensus of humanity is that life should be cherished, so it would take a pretty crazy shift in the human order for such a thing to occur.

Generally the sages keep to themselves, barring Sahji who simply enjoys humanity and their many stories too much to resist interfering himself. To him humanity is like a giant stage play he gets to watch. More than that though when he sees a story or plot thread he really enjoys he can run up on stage and act in the story himself (much to the ire of the other sages who inadvertently also get pulled into his nonsense)

Lanvi the Land Sage
Marovo the Sea Sage
Cielto the Sky Sage
Seres the Time Sage
Luca the Life Sage
Kitori the Victory Sage
Sahji the Wish SageFHLv37TXsAUkbfg?format=jpg&name=4096x409