
Lost to the modern age, the Incantatori (or jan Pali Wawa Nasa in their native tongue) were a race alongside Humans and Naturals. The smallest of the three races, being a feral looking race averaging about a foot tall, they made up for their tiny stature with immense intelligence and mastery of spell weaving. They sided with the humans of the world, but would vanish along with their human companions. Unlike their human counterparts they would not re-appear during the 1st century After Resonation.

Old legends state that when the humans appeared on Riterra over 10,000 years ago, that the Incantatori welcomed them with open paws and wings, while the Naturals wanted to do nothing with the furless, scaleless beasts.

Over time the Incantatori shared the magic of rhythm with the naïve humans and a partnership formed between the two vastly different races. At the peak of the symbiosis between the two races ancient texts talk about a ritual where a human child and a Incantatori would choose each other, working together in society and the greater world. Unlike the Resonators of today there wasn't a need for any kind of chip or surgery to bind human to Incantatori; that was the point of the ritual. The ritual would link the souls of the two, allowing for the human to recite spells and the Incantatori to cast them. In this way, they are the true proto-types to the modern Maestro and Resonator relationships.

There is written a downside to this particular link however: sickness, pain, and death were shared by the bound pair. This made spell-casting and fighting more utilitarian than it is today. Where it is easy to find a maestro in the modern world that is willing to fight using a resonator, the opposite could be said for the ancient humans and their Incantatori, fighting was always a last resort and spells would be used instead for their applications as they were useful to society rather than their combat merit.

Incantatori also were said to be blessed by the sages in that spells weren't locked to the ones we know today. They could weave new spells as needed to fit the situation. It was as if they were bending reality to their whim in order to help their human companions thrive.  It is said the spells we have today are only a drop of water in comparison to an ocean's worth of possibilities that the ancient Incantatori were cable of making.

Most of the modern day understanding of this species comes from oceanic ruins believed to be the lost continent of Follehtis; discovered after an under-sea Rubato crystal mining operation unearthed them.