Pyronis's Bulletins

November Update!

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago by leaforia

Heya ho my loyal followers!

Tis the season of.... turkeys... and yeah. Anywho, starting November I will actively be working on world functions and other assorted CS projects I have going on, which means that I will stop taking Commissions/Art Trades to work on these. I may offer art/designs on a character, but other than that from November onwards I will be working on tying up loose ends and launching this world! I hope to see you all on the other side and thank you SO much for your support. 

UPDATE on Roosterfish

Posted 3 years, 6 months ago by leaforia

Roosterfish are an exclusive species that can only be made by myself or others I have given explicit permission to regulate the numbers. I will not open customs, and most likely not sell them. Roosterfish are key to the magic of Pyronis, too little and the world will fall apart, and too many cause the world to collapse under the weight of the magic. I make these through my own leisure, for my friends, family and myself as gifts or for fun. Occasionally, I might raffle one off to the public.

Concept Lore

Posted 3 years, 6 months ago by leaforia

Future edits/ updates on lore will be posted in the comments

Don't mind me... I'm copy/pasting.... one day I will make this beautiful

World: Pyronis

Very lord of the Rings inspired: humans, elves, wizards, dwarves. This world is heavily laced with magic, from the roosterfish. Most humanoid species can be found here (if you would like to have your species be a part of this world, please ask for my permission first.) MAGIC FORESTS /o/

the heart of Pyronis is a sacred meeting grounds, under heavy enchantments that grant protection and in that place a market is set up and in order to sell your wares you must promise the guardian stones not to steal/cheat/etc. and in order to enter in general you must promise as well if anything bad happens, you are forcefully expelled by magic, making it literally the safest neutral ground and safe haven

Species: Roosterfish

Roosterfish are... like pet species... they are not the most intelligent But they are IMPORTANT They are the most magical of all creatures but there's no way to tap into their power The sheer amount of their power is what keeps the realm together Without roosterfish, the world would crack and fall apart, therefore they are highly revered and killing or even harming one is a serious infraction and there are higher beings who will exact justice from anyone who does.

Species: Ignaeri

Ignaeri are guardians and protectors. They are created by enchanting carved candles, and to summon one, you must simply light the wick. Once lighted, a warrior will emerge and protect you til their end. Their skin and armor are made out of wax that harden upon impact, making them hard to defeat. They are super graceful and prefer to avoid conflict as much as possible. They protect, not attack. Their hair manifests as fire, a reflection of the fire in their core that makes their eyes glow. If their core fire ever gets extinguished (ex: they fall into a lake) they will revert back to their enchanted candle form, and to summon them again, you simply need to relight the candle. (Idk if there are limits to relights yet or if the candles can be destroyed) Their power and strength is reflected by the fire that blazes within, and since they are so hard to defeat, it takes a very powerful being to enchant them. They are sentient beings and have feelings, so many are seen as lifelong companions rather than objects used for protection

So powerful beings can carve candles and enchant them And when the enchanted candles are lit, the Ignaeri becomes sentient So many people walk around with candles in their pockets And in a sticky situation they can just LIGHT EM UP And out pops your loyal protector huhuhu I might make a subspecies of them when people use them for bad things very few have broken away from their original owners and by doing so, they greatly reduce their power and if their light is extinguished, they cannot be relit/regenerated