In a world where Humans and Demons have struggled for dominance for centuries, the King of Demons has signed a treaty to finally put an end to the suffering...

    For centuries, or even possibly since Creation, the struggle between two existances has plagued the Earth. Humans, with their large numbers and incredible adaptability, remained dominant for longer than their stronger counterparts, the Demons. Demons, Yokai, whatever you want to call them, an existance of power and immortality, have continuously fallen to the will of Humans and have consistently been pushed away from civilization. The two powers have lived, evolved and adapted alongside each other on the same Earth, but remained segregated for the sake of the survival of each one. Where Demons have always answered to their King, Humans have remained independant and ever-changing. Many centuries ago, Demons were pushed into another dimension entirely in an attempt to keep the stronger, more volatile ones at bay. Though there are ways to travel between, large gateways between the Human and Demon realms known as The Veil, it has been guarded and restricted ever since its conception.

    Regardless of what had been adapted, the current King of Demons decided to join the two in an attempt to keep the peace between the species' constant tension for the sake of future generations and a hope for a better life for all. Signing a treaty with the Prime Minister of Japan, the closest nation to his Kingdom beyond the Veil, was the first step in his plan, hoping to join each nation in its stead.

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