
Ertakar(air-tah-kar) Are the dominant species and native, sentient inhabitants of the planet Sytous.  Due to their similarities to Human-associated dragons, they often get  referred to as Dragons or Drakes. More insulting labels provided by Humans will regard them as reptile or lizards despite them not having many biological similarities to reptiles.



Ertakar are classified as a mammalian species, despite appearing similar to upright standing draconic creatures. They are warm blooded, with a body temperature closer to that of marsupials, and a semi-hollow bone structure reminiscent of earth dinosaurs. To accommodate their wings, they have a second set of scapula and pectorals. Due to a form of floating furcula, their arms can be both at their sides as well as in front of them, similar to an earth bear, allowing their wings the space needed for downward flaps and lifts. Their torso and spines have greater elasticity, similar to earth cats, allowing them to achieve both bipedal and quadrupedal movement with natural ease. Potential height of the species comes at around 7ft to 9ft.


Skin on an Ertakar is a type of thick hide, with certain strains that may produce a type of plated scaling down the back. Those of patchier/plated skin can be traced back more rugged terrain and arid environments, those of smoother skin can be traced to more temperate and humid environments. Colors can range from earthy tones of brown and yellow, cool tones of blue and green, warm tones of red and orange, or simple colors of black, white and gray.

Along with varying skin types and color patterns, Ertakar are made most unique by the set of horn and bone arrangements on their skulls, or even lack of. While likely originally adapted for protection, in current society it is more used as a means of display, for attraction or intimidation. Arrangements range from short and long horns, grouped and solitary, along with other protruding bone structures.


Ertakar are facultative carnivore; carnivores with some exceptions for plant matter. As such their diets consist largely of many manner of prey animals, with some incorporation of fruits, vegetables, and gourds for taste and variety. They have difficulty digesting plan matter with a high volume of cellulose such as leafy plants and are lactose intolerant.

The majority of the Ertkar diet is unprocessed and often uncooked entirely, preferring to eat raw fresh kills. Ertakar still actively hunt for their meals, both as a solitary activity and sometimes a social one, though butcheries exist not only for human ease of access but conveniences for busy or disabled Ertakar, unable to easily hunt on their own. The process of cooking is one used primarily used for preservation and storage, as well as novelty.

Sex and Reproduction

There is no sexual dimorphism within the species, in addition, the genitalia of the Ertakar are all internally housed, making them nearly unnoticeable when standing upright.

Ertakar are polyoestrous and ovulate via induced ovulation. Erakar birth their young live, with a gestation period of about 13 months, after giving birth they do not enter an oestrus cycle again until 5-8 years after the birth. Unlike earth-classified mammals, the species does not have any mammary glands, due to the long gestation period, young are able to digest foods that have been prepared. Traditionally this would be by way of pre-chewed foods similar to crop milk, but more modern methods incorporate food processors for ease of use.