"Welcome to Manaru, follower of Dezhraya..."

Luminents are a humanoid closed species created and owned by Eevie_Inky!

> You may not make your own without an MYO slot!

> Check out the links to our official Discord, Instagram, and masterlist below!

What are Luminents?

Luminents are the manifestations of their god, Dezhraya’s, hope, and are born from the shards of Dezhraya’s Core - a special crystal bearing a portion of his being. All Luminents have a soul gem on their head or chest, and a ‘lume’ (a flame-like light) on their tail. The lume, despite looking like a flame, isn’t actually a fire, so Luminents are able to swim and bathe without any risks.

In rare cases, Dezhraya will shed his own horns, and a Luminent will form from the remains. Luminents born this way are deemed “Yusou”, and are Dezhraya’s direct descendants. These Luminents are capable of manipulating the powers that Dezhraya himself possesses, and many also take on some of his visual traits. Right now, he only has three direct descendants: Asri and Asmari, the ‘princes’ of Manaru.

Outside of the direct bloodlines, there is Aeris, who bears the facial markings of the Sarai descendants, yet seemingly has no godly ancestry. Nobody really knows much about him, but everyone knows him due to the fact that he runs a rather.. shady.. shop.

As they are made from his being, many - if not all - Luminents are followers of Dezhraya, and are guardians to any wandering souls in their world, Manaru. All Luminents possess the ability to see souls, which gather near an area referred to as the ‘Hazari barrier’, and those souls appear in the form of glowing butterflies. White butterflies signify a pure soul, while black butterflies represent a soul tainted by impurities. Because impure souls are not able to come in contact with other souls past the Hazari barrier, a Luminent’s job is to purify the tainted souls so that their anguish will leave them and they can wander Manaru freely, and therefore be capable of finding a soulbloom to feed on before they reincarnate into their next life.

Because Manaru has a connection to the mortal realm, many Luminents will often cross over and enter the living world - either to experience what mortals do, or just out of pure curiousity! While in the mortal realm, they usually take on more human-like forms (to do this, they illusion their appearance to one without a tail and animal ears) in order to make sure real humans don’t question or harm them - after all, they do not mean any harm themselves. Some mortal beings see or interpret Luminents as ‘imaginary friends’, because of their nurturing and caring natures towards others - though this behavioral pattern is only there because of their duty to guide souls back in Manaru.

Luminent behavior

Luminents are very gentle and curious! They do not condone violence - to them, violence is a taboo, and is against the moral code of their being. Most Luminents are very playful as well! Many can be seen enjoying time with others of their kind, though some can be more shy, preferring to keep to themselves. Because they are sentient creatures, Luminents are very deeply influenced by the emotions of others among their kind. They are also capable of both speaking and understanding human dialect as well as their own.

As Luminents are formed from the Core, they are not born with reproductive systems or organs. Therefore, Luminents express their gender through how they dress or present themselves (and yes, this does make them genderfluid, but it is always okay if they choose to identify as otherwise- Luminents are very accepting of any and all identities)!

Many Luminents who visit the mortal realm get inspired by the way humans act and dress, and want to do it themselves, so it is very common to find a Luminent dressed in clothes, since it has become part of their culture - even the Yusou Luminents enjoy taking part in such things! The clothes each Luminent chooses to wear is up to them and their taste. Likewise, each Luminent’s preferences and taste in any given activity or topic is purely up to them and how they feel about it!

NPC Luminents

"Divine Protector" - The last god of Manaru, tasked with ruling over the Four Provinces. Though he still holds grief in his heart over the losses he suffered in the war, he remains a strong leader, and is trusted by all Luminents residing in the provinces of Manaru.

"Heavenly Princes" - Dezhraya's twin sons, who each have inherited some of his own genetic traits and powers. Asmari is following in Dezhraya's path to become the next ruler of Manaru should Dezhraya fall, while Asri has become an abassador of sorts for his people.

"Hazari Guardian" - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.