
Beledrift is a vaugly steampunk inspired world with some fantasy elements sprinkled in. Technology is primarily steam-based and magic exists in the form of witches. While the continent is primarily inhabited by humans various intelligent non-human races are also present, with different countries having varying approaches to co-existing with them. The countries also have different approaches to co-existing with one another, wars and scrimishes are common and the political tensions have resulted in a thriving underworld with bases in every country.

Airships are the primary form of travel as the seas too dangerous for most to sail on and the many mountain ranges on the continent make it difficult to travel by land. These skies are vastly unregulated, with most countries having some dedicated patrolled fight paths but no one has enough resources to fully patrol the air. Sky pirates cities can be found around the continent nestled into cliffs, hidden in forests, and even some daring to claim small islands for their own. These islands also host the rare monster hunting crews which risk their lives to take down the giant sea monsters who will happily eat even the largest ships whole.


3/20/2024 Thinking about festivals, started a page for them in Sou that I plan to slowly add to & do for the other countries as well.

9/18/2023 Ythers'Narth overview page written, it needs spellchecking though. Also finished the page on Witches.

4/24/2023 The Phantom Seranade and The Reikan Valley Resoration Orchard get pages!

2/4/2023 Wrote a quick page on mechanical dolls.

12/20/2022 Sou's Overview page is written.

12/31/2021 Home page set up!

Newly completed character profiles

Character groups

Flying Fish Pirates: An infamous group of reckless pirate mecenaries.

Ythers'Narth Navy: An airship hired by a Ythers'Narth noble trying to capture the Flying Fish Pirates.

Tea Shop: A somewhat mysterious tea shop which appears in several of Londael's towns and cities, run by a clockwork robot and hosting a an information broker with a penchant toward collecting weird trinkets.

Revelry and Revolution: Londael's high society and the secrets hidden behind it.

Cousins: Kiyo, a lawyer from Sou and his younger cousin Itoko.

Iridians: All the Iridians still living on the Irdian archipelago.

Londael Npcs: Various city dwellers of Iscaris, npcs for Squid's blades in the dark campaign set in Londael.








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