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I love the labyrinth bc it’s a fantasy coming of age story about growing up and the main character says “goodbye” to all the whimsical creatures she made friends with on her journey. but then the last scene is like SIKE dance party with them all in her room!!!!! bc growing up doesn’t mean forfeiting fun or losing the wonder of your childhood


The start of a legendary friendship!!!!! GRRgrgw was listening 2 some of the audiobook of Into The Wild Today and I kept taking notes of stuff I wanna draw of it.

Y'all ever think if it wasn't just obvious that Graystripe would end up in a forbidden interclan relationship, considering how quickly he decided to have a friendly chat with some random kitty-pet stranger? He can't help himself from liking cats originally outside of his own clan-


starts punching and tearing at everything in a blind rage. i want AROMANTIC characters i want characters with not an OUNCE of romance about them i don't JUST want aroace characters i want AROMANTIC characters that AREN'T ASEXUAL i want people to headcanon characters as AROMANTIC not just aroace i want fandom to treat AROMANTICISM as AROMANTICISM, and not a SUBCATEGORY OF ASEXUALITY. RRRAAAAAAAAGHHHHHH

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