
Gosh I freaking LOVE Claire’s characters with my whole heart, their designs are so good, they’re so fun to read about, just, everything I learn about them just makes me want to learn more!!! 

This video is actually a revenge for this [ https://toyhou.se/13397463.jay/gallery#60592802 ] and [ https://toyhou.se/8964330.murma/gallery#60592724 ] this! 

I can hardly BEGIN to describe just how much these images mean to me,,  <3

Video Link here!
https://youtu.be/pzGgBJuYwwU ] 

If you want to learn more about these characters you’ll have to go to Claire’s toyhouse, right over here!! [ https://toyhou.se/radiiiance ]

Learn more about the characters pictured here: 
Aui: https://toyhou.se/4844491.au–bellino
Goat: https://toyhou.se/3058141.goat-woodburr
Fracture: https://toyhou.se/5358211.fracture-parisa
Oh and I guess Roach too: https://toyhou.se/3474873.rlioch-siser/6283535.bda


TigToggleanimationanimatedanimation memegiftfriend characters


I also animated this mini thing because I’m dumb :] 

Audio is from my favorite Unas Annus video believe it or not, from the moment It came out I rewatched it over and over, it’s just so utterly ridiculous it brought me so much joy, I quote it sometimes and then people have no idea what I’m talking about haha



I have this thing memorized and I am happy to curse it upon you

The video short, if you want to watch it
https://youtu.be/anfLC_GMgO8 ] 



TigToggleanimationanimatedmc highjaypiccolofrankie


I’m sooooooo proud of this, shoutout again to Ducky and Drag for inspiring me to do this, because I’m very happy with the outcome!! 

Day 1 billion of hating backgrounds but its okay im working on it 

Watch it here: 
https://youtu.be/Zzs_FVBNqq0 ]

This features Bugsi and Rae, two horrible creatures who I hate :]

One is a narcissist war general, the other is a dismissive and loathsome king, both are horrible parents who would also claim they don’t have kids. 


TigToggleanimationanimatedanimation memeelementalssoline storysolinebelbbugsiking rae


This was from October! I’m so good at posting things <3

Some may wonder why I even bother, but it’s mainly just because I like having a record of everything for myself <3 :]

Which is why theoretically I should post things on time but uuuuuh 

ANYWAYS!! Watch the map part here:
https://youtu.be/2HbnxJ9b9G4 ]

And the full map came out for Halloween! Watch that here!
https://youtu.be/qghkpAL9Xw8 ] 

This was a lot of fun to animate, I enjoyed working with the pallet, and honestly? The thing I’m most proud of is by far the way the glasses fall into the snow and effect the background :] 

It’s fun to animate characters who used to be / are still maybe cringy fan ocs, be free, be happy, nobody can stop you but yourself (and maybe the law)


TigToggleanimationmap partanimatedHalloween


A truly terrifying amount of doodles-

lots of these are requests I did for my friends, because I LOVE doing doodle requests sprees to relax, there’s also an Outerwilds Fan-Character & Court Of Fey and Flowers fan character, but oh no if I tried to list all the characters in this I think I’d die and melt. 

listing them all in the tags was already too much work- 

so I wont explain anything good luck :D


TigToggledoodlesTeigraanimatedanimationjune darcyMarcy BGilbert BraltonMorgan HibbitPhillipKing RaeAllenBelbEddieCatPodgefriend charactersCharlotteSolineJayAdamGuardOuterwildsBobNathanAmeliaPiccoloEvie


Phone art! I made all of these using Autodesk Sketchbook on my phone, without wi-fi,, because I was on a plane, so they don’t use the proper character color pallets and some features are missing because I often just had to draw them from memory! 

But its okay because I’m usually very happy with how they come out, I really love the brushes that Autodesk Sketchbook has, and I WISH firealpaca had them, but Firealpaca lets me animate so sorry Autodesk, Firealpaca wins. 


TigToggledoodlestictocbelbCatfrankieJayAmeliaPiccoloNathanmc highCasper Castillo


Sill playing catch-up! But every post brings me closer to the current date! 

Soon I shall be able to upload art I made that day… maybe…. 

Anyways! I present some art! 
  The first two posts are things for my college, a doodle of a mascot for a club I’m in (it’s the same one I made the “Hopes &” comic for!) because they revealed their new mascot and it was a friggen Pidgeon Tabby-cat Griffon which is the best creature ever,, and a Tee-shirt design for the Skiffy (Sci-Fi & fantasy) club! 

  The rest is just,, some art of my little fellas (+Goat & A little plant Octo!) 

Lots of belb, because I had a human version of her in a very short Rp made by Brak, and it was LOTS of fun, she’s such a little bitch baby, plus I just, love fallen angel tropes a lot, I think they’re very fun to play with ^w^

Also Wooden Puppet Teigra because omfg there’s so many pinnochio movies
(I’m actually looking forwards to the stop-motion one)

The three images at the bottom loop, but Friend’s is set to “only loop once” on accident, so uh, good luck seeing their cute hand movements. 





Woo!!! 6 more drawings from the main friend art spam, then 2 random art payments, and a random gift! 

1.) SilverVampire’s Sona
2.) Dino for @discountdino
3.) Ollie for MrCosmicKai
4.) Christoph for BlueOokashi
5.) Teigros and Chaos [owned by iinterstellar], Teigros is a celestial version of Teigra! They are smol :]
6.) Cyrus for SugryCyanide
7 & 8) Owed art for Soundskies
9.) Kokabiel for Robin-Ausla


TigToggleartgiftfriend charactersTeigra
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