


7 years, 3 months ago


☼ Chardonnay Ambrose ◦ Kiamara Gijinka ◦ NFS/NFT ☼

Name • Chardonnay Ambrose

Gender • Female (she/her)

Age • 32

DoB • June 9th

Sexuality • Lesbian

Relationship Status • Single | Available

Species • Human (Kiamara)

Universe • Modern

Occupation • Model and entrepreneur 
Height • 5'10

Build • Lean and curvy
Skin Tone • Light tan

Eye Color • Blue

Hair Color • Black and red

Hair Style • Long, slightly wavy. Parted on one side and shaved on the other

Clothing Style • Fashionable clothes, either fancy or alternative/goth

Accessories • Jewelry, etc

Other • She has a septum, lip, eyebrow, and several ear piercings. She often wears makeup. 


[ Sagacious ◦ Confident || Graceful ◦ Assertive || Feisty ◦ Crafty ]
Chardonnay is the oldest of her sisters and by far the most put together. She is the leader and the wrangler of all her unruly siblings. While she is not bossy or pushy, she has the authority and experience to help everyone get back on track. Chardonnay is confident and assertive, with a bold but not overpowering aura. She wields herself extremely well while not impeding on anyone else's business. From an outside perspective, Chardonnay has all her shit together. This isn't always true, but for the most part she is responsible, smart, and diligent. She has a strong work ethic and a way of convincing others to like her. She does have a fiery temper like her sisters [it runs in their blood!] but she is the best at keeping it under control. She manages her emotions very well and therefore stays calm and collected most of the time.

Chardonnay has an elegance to her, partly from her work as a model. The way she looks, combined with her attitude, makes her seem very graceful. Chardonnay is also intelligent, clever, and good at reading between the lines. She has good social smarts and can read a room pretty well. She does have a bit of deviousness in her, so she uses her observation skills to manipulate others sometimes, but never for any malicious reasons. Chardonnay is wise and gives good advice, so her sisters often come to her when they need help. She is a good problem-fixer and will tell people the truth, even if they don't want to hear it. She often sees things that others would miss. Chardonnay would make a good leader if she had any desire to be one, but for the most part she likes to lay back, unless she has a vision she wants to see through.
Chardonnay grew up in an average home with her four sisters. She had a relatively uneventful and peaceful childhood and did alright in school. As the oldest of her siblings, she was often the ring leader, parental figure, and baby sitter. She was usually the responsible one. In her late teens, she started modeling online on her own personal blog, mostly for fun. However, her appearance and unique style garnered a following, and after a while she was a big enough page that brands reached out to her. Eventually she began modeling as a full time career, moving away from her home and to New York. Years later, she is a well known model who is sought out by many companies, and she gets to travel for shoots as well. She has also started up her own businesses and works with charities.

❖ Her confident and composed persona is to help her deal with her insecurities.
❖ She has had many romantic partners but doesn't seem to have luck with love.
❖ Her family is very important to her.
❖ Her favorite colors to wear are black and blue.
❖ She actually is a big emotional softie but doesn't show that side much.
✔ Hiking and jogging
✔ Wine
✔ Clothes
✔ Helping others
✔ Watching movies
✘ Power-tripped men
✘ Getting angry
✘ Meat
✘ Silence
✘ Hospitals/needles/doctor's offices

Daiquiri ◦ Daiquiri and Chardonnay had some differences as kids, but they also bonded over their similarities. While they're not as close as Vodka and Chardonnay are, Daiquiri has always respected her oldest sister. Unfortunately, because of Daiquiri's involvement with top-secret organizations, she doesn't get to spend much time with her family. They also live on opposite coasts. Overall, they have a good relationship and are always happy to see each other, but they're both very busy people.

Vodka ◦ Being the two older sisters, Chardonnay and Vodka have always been very close. Char has been a shoulder to cry on for as long as Vodka can remember. The two of them are practically best friends, despite living very different lives. Chardonnay is the best person to help calm Vodka down when she's angry, because they know each other so well. When the two of them get together, it's usually a crazy time.

Gin ◦ With an 8 year age difference, Chardonnay and Gin are on opposite sides of the family spectrum: the oldest and the youngest. Because of this, they also are not as close, but still care about each other deeply. Gin always wanted to hang out with her older sisters as a child, and Chardonnay tried her best to include her. Their interests just didn’t usually align, since they were always at such different points in their lives and development. Nonetheless, Char will always see Gin as her baby sister - she just can't help it.!

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