
6 years, 11 months ago



Respectful . Non-Confrontational . Unsocial

Gender Male
Age 19
Height 6'0"
Build Average
Species English Springer Spaniel/Akita
Role Fumetsu Gang Member...somehow
Theme Cry Baby


John never was one to be confrontational with people, he didn't speak up and was a pretty chill guy. He would take walks in the city late at night to relax and collect his thoughts from the day, always dealing with any problem he had alone, he always wore a lot of blacks to deter anyone from noticing him or staring at him for too long due to his appearance. Much like Saint, however, a night walk didn't turn out how it should've and he got caught up in one of Femetsus many heists - too afraid to run away or say no he stayed as the lookout for the crew and ended up leaving with them. Because he was apart of the heist (and again, because he couldn't say no) he was appointed into the Femetsu gang.

John was born with a healing factor ability, meaning he can regrow limbs and large deadly-to-most cuts and gashes will heal with no problem, he can still feel pain however.

HTML by lowkeywicked