


8 years, 3 months ago


Nocte is a demonic canine creature used in different alternate settings. He has a thin and long head, with a somewhat long and thin muzzle but with a rounded end, not a pointy one. He does not have a dog nose (though I don't mind if you draw him with a dog nose), but has two thin nasal slits on the sides of his muzzle. His eyes are black, of an average size, and he has two long and fluffy ears, one of them being a little bit floppy at its end.
His body is rather thin and slender overall, quite long. He has a fully black coat, thin, smooth and somewhat shiny. The fur is neither long nor short on the body (kind of the length of a german shephard's fur), but has some longer and fluffier parts on the belly, the neck and the back of the legs. His body is curved, with a convex shape. His legs are long and solid, with quite accentuated shapes and defined muscles. His paws are somewhat big and well defined, with somewhat big claws (but not exaggerated neither).
His tail is rather long, the tip touching the ground, and his fluffy, coated with long hairs.
He is entirely black, including his eyes and his inner mouth, and has no other shade. Teeth can be either white or black.
World War II
War rages between Allies and Axis Powers. In the heart of Europe, on both sides of French and German lines, weird creatures had appeared. Of dogs, they only have the appearance : the soldats are sure they are demons, creating their power from the wounded and hateful souls that fill battlefields after every strike. These canine-looking beasts feed from human corpses, but when fresh meat is lacking, they attack living soldiers with no hesitation. They are scared of no bullet, no grenade, as their wounds seems to regenerate as soon as they are hit. Thus, they are one more ennemy to fear within this ignomous war. But what people ignore is that these creatures are born from the spirit of soldats who died during fights and were left unable to access the eternal rest after the traumatisms they suffered. Finding themselves lost, forsaken and jilted by their own, starving and terrified, they often have no other choice left than to attack humans to survive, either for food or to counter their weapons.
A young boy, recruited by force within the French army, had found death, mowed down by a grenade during a charge against the German trench. Not being lucky enough to die right away, he had been able to contemplate his shred body and his teared off limbs, and to feel his blood slowly flow out of his body while the pain, immense and unbearable, was seeming to be invading every single cell of his. His wide open mouth could not even scream while his bulging eyes were staring at the fierce light of the Sun. His slow agony seemed infinite while his uptight body was running out of blood. The soldier woke up after nightfall, under the gentle coolness of the Moon. Pain seemed to have left his body, but not his heart. Waking up somehow, he noticed he could not go higher than on all four leggs. Leggs which were now covered by some thick black fur, and armed by long claws. At least, missing legs had grew back.
Malgré toute l'angoisse qu'il imposait aux hommes, le démon dû reconnaitre qu'il restait moins terrifiant que leurs frères de la tranchée d'en face.
Modern world
Each day, he was feeling more and more disgusted by the human race. Being in the tramway, at the supermarket or at the university, he loathed them, these frighteningly stupid beings. How many times had he wished to be able to kill them from a single look. Not only because of his hate, but also for the desire to purify this humanity that seemed to rot from inside, like if it was necrotized. The young boy was filling himself with hate day after day, his rage burning against this species that persists in willing to waste his huge potential. If he could find someday enough courage to destroy all of the cancerous cells grazing this world, he sure would do.
He had wished it so much, his wish was granted. The young boy woke up in the morning, filled with stiffness, his limbs seeming to be blocked in some uncomfortable position. Waking up somehow, he noticed the change : his usually thin and delicate hands had gave way to two thick animal paws. He crawled to the bathroom's mirror. He felt no fear when discovering a weird canine-looking black head. He did not ponder questions, he was simply feeling impatient to discover what fate had been chosen for him. He went out from his window during night, easily climbing on the roof as he noticed how swift, agile and powerful his new body was. At early morning, he learnt how to swith back to his human body. Henceforth, the one who, during daylight, remained a discreet and unoticable student, was turning at night into some bloodthirsty monster roaming the streets to butcher the ones he was judging to be unworthy of this world.
It was the end of the world as we see in movies and video games. Humanity, by dint of wars, oversupply and exhaustion of the land, had ended up self-destructing. The few survivors wander through ruined cities in search of any tin can that has not yet been found by the previous ones. They know they can't stay out in the open for too long, because danger is lurking everywhere, whether it's hordes of humans converted to cannibalism, or those beasts that have arisen from hell, as if somewhere a portal had opened to another dimension. The cities in ruins had found themselves invaded by hordes of demons of various shapes, more or less large and more or less aggressive, but clearly carnivorous as a whole. Each seeks only to survive, but the struggle for food will be long and bloody.