


9 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info












Single, best friends with Rye, Seph and Memo

Usually says

"Woah that's amazing!!"

Main Hobby

Reading Manga




  • Allan is a very happy go lucky person, and despite being a big person, he acts like a dorky 5 year old.
  • When with unfamiliar people, he emits an aura that makes him seem 'emo' or depressed', but most of the time he's just thinking of what to cook later or what anime shows should he watch next.
  • Despite this, he is extremely gullible. Allan would pretty much believe anything that Rye says, which means that Rye can easily manipulate him into buying things he wants.
  • Allan is basically the mom friend.
  • He doesn’t get angry easily, but when he does, it’s usually for extremely serious things (like whenever Rye’s life would be put in danger)
  • Insults really pierce through him, and he would usually sulk because of this.
  • He tries hard to do what he needs to do, and as much as possible, he does it perfectly before the deadline.
  • Gets scared easily.
  • LIKES - Italian food, manga & anime, recieving his monthly wage/stipend
  • DISLIKES - Chinese food (he's grown sick of it), dirty clothes, extremely nosy people


  • He grew up in an orphanage; the nuns say that they found him crying on their doorstep when he was a baby. 
  • When he turned 15, he started working different jobs to earn money for the entrance exam of a prestigious school for rich people. 
  • He was able to top the exam, thus he has a 100% scholarship + stipend. 
  • Allan took Chorion with him when they left the orphanage. He was 17 at that time. 


  • He’s in senior high, and he still has no idea as to what course he should get for college.
  • He has a scholarship which makes him go their without paying anything at all, but to keep this, he needs to be listed as one of the Top 3 students of his grade. 
  • Because of this, Al studies his butt off.
  • He learned from the manga that stereotypical smart guys wear glasses and are usually stoic, so he tried to adopt this aura by buying fake thick glasses and trying to be emotionless and cold. This way he could focus on his studies and assume the role as the top student of the school. 
  • However because of his friendly nature, he leaks his actual personality and now he has a lot of friends lmaoo. He still wears his fake glasses to school though, he feels a lot smarter with them.
  • He's usually hanging out with Isamu, Bailey and Nikolai, and sometimes Sawyer and Brooke join their group. 


  • Allan works in Rai Kai Tai, a Chinese restaurant.
  • He is a waiter there, and since he looks somewhat Asian, he fits in the criteria.
  • He only works on weekends, since he needs to pay off rent +electricity and water bills. 
  • In his workplace, he is his normal, happy-go-lucky self. 


  • He doesn't know it, but within him resides an ancient source of magic energy, which many know as 'The Source' 
  • He is a source of immense power, but he cannot wield the energy himself. His only ability is to give others magic energy to increase the strength of their power. 
  • Strong wielders are able to absorb energy from him, and this is why Seph and Memo are always on the watch. 
  • There are certain special people who have a miniscule amount of magic in them. Allan can amplify this and make them strong wielders. 
  • This frustrates him though, since he's treated like some damsel in distress. 
  • He is the reincarnation of Seph's mother, who was aware of what she was from birth. Allan was not aware at all at first; but one night he had a dream that triggered EVERYTHING. 
  • Because of his power, he can last for days without sleep, or without feeling hungry. He does not have enough physicality to feel these things, which is also why he cannot use the energy for himself. 


Pretty much his brother. They share a pretty strong bond, since they grew up side by side. Whenever Allan's gullibility acts up, Rye is there to return correct his ways. They are extremely close, but Rye does not show much of his affection to Allan. He usually is the source of the mess in the apartment for Allan to clean. They play games together, but Allan always loses since Rye is an expert at numerous video games. Rye loves to tease Allan for being easily emotional when it comes to manga or anime. 
Almost literally his son. The Source inside Al once had The Queen as a vessel, and she gave birth to Seph after marrying the ancient King. Since Seph was preserved until present day, he considers the new vessel his 'mother'. However, Seph still considers Al a friend, and they get along quite well. Seph tends to act all baby-ish around Allan, but just like Rye, he is a source of the mess in the apartment, which makes Al's life twice as hard. Seph teaches Al about how to use his powers, espeially when it comes to "distributing" it to those who can utilize it. Seph is also very protective of him since strong opponents can suck energy from the source if Al is not careful. 

Al's lifesavior. Memori was and is still Seph's personal butler, so he helps around with the chores. He mostly does the laundry and the dishes, making Al's life a bit easier. They get along extremely well, and the duo give off a mother-father aura which Rye loaths a lot. Memo secretly spies on Al every now and then just to make sure that The Source remain safe and intact. Since Memori works as his homeroom/history teacher at school, they tend to spend a lot of time together. 

Allan's closest friend in school. He is really hot tempered because he likes to compete with everyone. He sees Al as a rival since they have th same scholarship, but whoever has the highest grades in their grade has a higher stipend. Isamu was cursed to appear as a 10 year old the moment he turned 10, so he looks like a little boy despite being 18 years old. He has a crush on Nikolai. 
Allan's friend from school. Nicky keeps showing him many card tricks because Allan can be very oblivious, making him a good target for tricks. She likes to copy off from his work, and in exchange she buys him food that he craves. 

Allan's friend from school. She's part of their squad of four (Al, Nicky and Isamu), and she's usually the one who tries to mend fights between Nicky and Isamu when Al isn't there. Bailey and Al share an interest in the same types of manga and anime, which what they usually talk about. 
  • Willow - They met once in a dark market when Al was walking around town late at night. Her jewels glowed like crazy in his presence, making the witch squeal with delight since she has finally met the reincarnation of the Source. Willow and Al have a good relationship; she makes him potions and Al gives her a lot of enregy to be stored in her jewels which are known as 'capsules', or 'caps'. She greatly admires Seph and harbors a huge crush on the prince.