Fox Colette



9 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

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This was a gifted design to me personally. Never for trade or sale. Please do not ask for this character.


Prophecy WIP: 

Storm Maidens? The clan of Redwood always had a large offspring of women and elders decided a young woman from every family must be a bride for the storm king (It eats them obv). A great sea serpent that sleeps at the bottom of the oceans. Without the storm king's permission the sea would be ravaged in storms and not allow anyone safe travels. Their main access roots of travel. Every 25-30 years the storm king wakes and the seas turn hostile until the ritual is performed by the Redwood Clan. Family's volunteer is suggested to be over the age of 20 so that they can live a happy childhood with the clan to honor their sacrifice. Most storm maidens are educated this is an immense honor and privilege so they are happy to sacrifice themselves for the clan.

Their family of raiders (viking like?) and craftsman. In late years their artisanal goods have been so desired they haven't actually needed to raid villages like their forefathers before them. It's been a time of prosperity and peace for some years.

Their beautiful ships/boats are bright red beacons on the sea. You always know when Redwood merchant vessel is coming through neighboring villages.

Colette is the daughter of one of the Redwood Clan elders/leaders. She is overwhelmingly loved by her family and community. She also adores them very much but is feeling a bit strangled lately, in too small of a space for too long.