
Angel of Vengeance

Avariel Regale Gaious

Name: Avariel Regale Gaious
Aliases: Ava
Gender: DMAB
Sexuality: content
Age: Immortal
DoB: date of birth
Species: Viscet, Angel
Origin: Heaven
Occupation: or species
Faction: Independent
Height: 6'7"
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Weight: 275 lb.
Likes: one, two, three
Dislikes: one, two, three

Avariel was born and raised in a pack that valued strength over everything else; if you were weak, sick, or old, you were cast out or killed. There was injustice in this and he very well knew it. Finally, Avariel killed the leader. After this, he fled, fearing backlash; this is when he met Mentor, a viscet that took pity on him because he was dehydrated and starving, with no idea how to live alone. Mentor helped to train him to live on his own, but during an ambush by bandits, both Mentor and Avariel were sent falling off a cliff to their death. Dying upon impact, Avariel met Gaious, an angel seeking an ideal vessel. Avariel accepted, and the two became one of sorts, sharing the same body, although part of Avariel's true soul has already died and walked the steps to the afterlife.

Designer: Mint Chip
Species Creator: Soulsplosion
Worth: Unknown
Status: NFS/T
Acquisition Method: Won (competition) July 29th, 2016; 777
Character Stipulations: Viscets cannot be traded (except for stubs) or sold. They may be gifted. Markings and colors cannot be changed. Accessories can be changed and are allowed, with the exception of prosthesis. Scars can be added. Viscets may be only officially bred at the viscet nursery. Do not ask to breed with Avariel.
Notes for Artists:
                 ⇾ Armor is optional. The horns and wings are on his armor, and not a part of him.
                 ⇾ Symmetrical design
                 ⇾ Species has raptor-like anatomy, but can be drawn anthro or on all fours
Color Palette:
                 ⇾ #FEF8E9 - Base Coat
                 ⇾ #FDE670 - Markings (Yellow)
                 ⇾ #FFC131 - Markings (Orange)

                 ⇾ #FEFEFE - Pawpads, Nose, Ears, and Underfur
                 ⇾ #FFFBEF - Hair Tips
                 ⇾ #FFEE99 - Hair

                 ⇾ #B69943 - Armor
                 ⇾ #FFE049 - Eye (Outer)
                 ⇾ #FFF3BB - Eye (Inner)
                 ⇾ #BCB8AE - Armor Wings/Horns









  • Flight. When Avariel needs to fly somewhere, he can use the enchanted wings located on his armor. They do not actually move, however, they glow a soft lime green when in use in this way. He cannot fly without said wings, except to one destination: Heaven. However, he still needs an "escort" to Heaven, due to his relationship with its inhabitants.
  • Holy Body. Because Avariel is an angel, his body now heals much, much faster than it originally would. It also leaves him immune to most illnesses. Most magical illnesses, however, can still affect him, and injuries dealt by either holy or unholy magic. He cannot, however, heal or otherwise magically support others at all, with the exception of barriers made from his holy light.
  • Heavenly Light. Being an angel, of course, Avariel has access to holy magic, primarily the ability to use holy light. While it is not something primarily enjoys to use, he'll still use it... especially when it comes down to his creed of vengeance. The holy light can take many different forms; golden fire incinerating the evil, a sword that glows no matter how dark it is, a blindingly bright barrier shielding one from harm. However, the holy light cannot be used to injure or cause misfortune to Good.


  • The armor was originally Mentor's, and it was very dear to Avariel. Gaious respected Avariel's wishes and still wears the armor to this day, and he keeps it in excellent condition. It has become somewhat of a symbol of the angel.
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  • The wings were simply decorations to the body armor before Gaious possessed Avariel's body. They are usable as actual "wings", enabling the angel flight, but they cannot move. They glow a light green (like this) when in use.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit.



In both his mortal and immortal youth, Avariel was as bright as the sunshine that seems to be caught in his fur. He was bright- eyed and even rather innocent, quite playful and even talkative, and could be described as fairly confident--to the point of being cocky--then. However, this stage did not last long. Following his vessel's first act of murder against a corrupted leader shortly after his adulthood, he ran away, fearing that his actions might have been overdone and the group would kick him out anyways. He took to a life of one who lived in solitary, traveling sort of as a nomad, as he had been raised, and never staying in one spot for more than a week or so. He had a goal in mind; to make sure that none would suffer as he and his group once had. So, taking to the life of a vigilante, he began to get more and more aggressive when it came to dealing out his revenge on those who had done wrong upon others.

Avariel is a viscet of few words and dislikes to say more than need be. He prefers to "speak" in gestures, movements and body language. Despite this preference to not speaking, he does not show emotion; at least, most of the time, with some exceptions. He can seem very blase about pretty much anything, and can be difficult to read if he doesn't want to be. This stoic nature is not forced; after taking to the solitary life, he became much less apt to speak to others. There was no need; silence could say far more than words ever could. This nature can make him seem blunt and standoffish to others, and it isn't far from the truth. He can be incredibly impatient; however, luckily, he can deal with this feeling of impatience for a pretty good while. If one to were continue bothering him, they would reach a point where he is sufficiently angry. Keep pushing that, and you get a cold rage--and by that time, you should watch your back. Or else.

Avariel considers what he does just as bad as those he is punishing; he has killed, after all. He knows that, sometime in the future, he may get what's coming to him, and believes just as firmly that he deserves it.
This does not mean, however, that Avariel is completely standoffish. He enjoys peaceful moments, where he can forget about the weight on his shoulders that is caused by the problems with other angels and the evil of the world itself. It's one of his favorite things to do; surround himself with no one, close his eyes, and just forget for the time being. There are also certain groups that he is sympathetic and even compassionate towards, the young being one of his most notable. He has actually raised a viscling before--a runt, Rupert--and enjoys being in their presence.




[ mate ] He never expected to fall in love, and yet it happened anyway with his long-time mate, Pantarei. They met by chance, and hit it off rather well due to the similarities in their personalities. While they definitely have clashes sometimes, their relationship is strong.



[ companion ] Sunfire was Avariel's companion before he became the vessel for an angel, but stuck with him nevertheless. Angel-Avariel has grown fond of him, and finds him quite amusing. The rat is, after all, just as strong as him--just in a much smaller package.



[ best friend ] Jean saved Pantarei's life when he and Avariel first met. The two have been odd friends ever since. Jean is Avariel's confidante, and Avariel has the upmost trust in him, and it shows.



[ viscling ] Avariel and Pantarei's viscling, Qerabi, was a bit of a surprise. They hadn't even known an angel and mortal could be with child, and yet here they were. Avariel did not at all agree with the prospects of raising a new viscling, and left for a short period of time, though he inevitably returned.



[ adopted viscling ] Avariel met Ru when he was a tiny viscling, through Pantarei. Though he harbors a dislike for young children, he didn't mind Ru as much, and he and Rei took care of him together until Ru could go out on his own.



[ old friend ] Muriel was something of a mother or older sister figure to him--to all angels, really. However, he grew tired of her ways and split off on his own. She frequently speaks to him, and sometimes tries to convince him to return. He will not, however.



[ sister, foil ] At one time, Sariel and Avariel were inseparable angels of justice. Sariel was the judge, Avariel was the executioner. However, when Avariel's falling out from Heaven occured, he left Sariel behind, much to her dismay.



[ ex-date, sworn enemy ] After leaving Pantarei with the unhatched Qerabi, Avariel returned to Heaven for sometime. This is when he met Spezi, who he at first enjoyed the company of. However, she became far too obsessive for him, and even now... every now and then, he sees her out of the corner of his eye, and he worries.



[ friend ] A while after Pantarei's death, Avariel was severely injured. He could not heal himself on low magic, and Angela patched him back up. He briefly tried to enter a relationship with her to get his life back on track, but it failed. He has not tried again on anyone; Rei is still too close for him to do that.



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