Cats United | 16+ Warrior Cats ARPG | Open Beta

Posted 1 month, 4 days ago (Edited 6 days, 20 hours ago) by RustyAce

Interest Check

11 Votes Interested!
9 Votes Interested, and willing to help out!
  • Group Status OPEN
  • Age Requirement 16+
  • Discord link
  • World link
  • Mod Applications OPEN

Cats United ARPG

A Warrior cats inspired ARPG

Cats United is a discord based, sandbox-like ARPG. Cats will be tracked using google sheets and can be added to the world if a user has a toyhouse account!

Users can create as many clans as they wish, along with as many cats as they wish, as long as you can afford to purchase more slots via in-game currency. A discord bot will keep track of your currency, and any items you purchase.

There is no activity checks for this group, as this group is meant to be a laid-back experience for both members and mods. Additionally, roleplaying is not required, as this is primarily meant for users to use their cats in whatever way they want: be that drawing, writing, or collaborating in art/roleplay.

You must join the discord server to join the group, as that's where most of the group is hosted at.


we can probably help. we love helping with arpgs!


Rye_Bread1234 of course! I was planning on pinging everyone who voted anyways haha

Forestwalk I'd love the help! Whenever I have a moment to sit down and start the discord server, I can send an invite to you!


sounds good!


hey! as someone who has seen multiple sides of the warriors ARPG spectrum, i can tell you some pointers about certain things and so on; i'm based mainly in discord though, and i've experienced mainly discord-based arpgs as well.

i can say that the blend of people having their own clans and the "co-op" clan idea might be extremely complex in practice! since if someone owns most of the cats in one clan, and another user would like their cat/s to be apart of it, it might be hard to like, build stats, have battles and stuff without making it unfair in some senses, or favor toward specific users/cats. though, it can more than likely be done ^^


quiet 👀oh this is good to know!

I know I want to at the very least have maybe a spreadsheet tab of each user’s cats to keep track of things, with the name of cat, rank of cat, and link to toyhouse profile to start. Maybe have a territory limit as well? And if people use their cats and gain currency, they can buy more territory to have more cats? But in terms of clans and everything, users can make up their own lore, location, etc. 

If you have any more tips, please let me know! I wasn’t aware there was arpg groups, since I mostly see rp groups!



i’m completely willing to help you out, give you tips and even allow you to peek at my server/arpg for inspiration; we’re still in our beta stage since there is a lot of heavy interactive elements, so few but active members, and we’re pretty understaffed 😅

either way, we can totally converse about this topic! discord is preferred for me since i answer much quicker, but if you have something else preferred lmk!


suuper interested in this !!


This sounds super fun!!! I'd love to be pinged when/if youre doing more with this ^3^


quiet 👀 discord is preferred for me too! (Hence why I wanted a discord based group haha) my username is the same for there as well if you wanna dm me!

Also! I did start a discord since a lot of people are interested, however I just made it today so it’s a HUGE wip so it’s really empty right now. But I made a suggestions channel for everyone to give ideas while I create a mod application (sometime today/tomorrow). Please be aware I’m not rushing making this group, so things won’t be applied right away! 

LilBlueCanvas ImGonnaFightZeus moezoms Frostsol WAYF1ND3R ghosts_vignettes immewne KAAAAAAAAT Ponderosa-Pines Rye_Bread1234 WINDYHERO Forestwalk GarnetSunset prozac 

zodikat (I already sent you the link but wanted you to be included too 💕)


Manual bump for edit 3 :3


Blacktiide CoreInk02 Cruxian MWINS HotCoffee KAAAAAAAAT Rye_Bread1234 WINDYHERO Forestwalk GarnetSunset prozac zodikat

Pinging to let you all know that the group is now in open beta! If you've tried to join the world, please make sure to join the discord server first before making another request! That's where all the group functions are at!