[SUGGESTION][+236] Pin Feature for Gallery

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago (Edited 16 days, 19 hours ago) by zSleepyhead

Add Pin Feature for Gallery

239 Votes yes please

I'm not sure whether this has already been mentioned, but I don't feel like going through the thread.

I believe that having this would be highly convenient and beneficial to everyone. There have been numerous occasions when I wish I could pin a specific image in my characters gallery to the very front (or a few), such as a reference, so that I don't have to constantly sort images when new ones appear. If you agree, please use the poll to let the mods know 💜

Edit: Pin feature on all tabs and galleries to keep the photographs you desire at the forefront of each.

Edit2: Instagram is a good example with this feature.


ScarletBloodmoon True but this method seems much more convenient if you don't use sub gallery, and even if you do, it would be nice to be able to use the pin feature with that as well and any of the other tabs. Pin feature for all tabs and gallery to keep the images you want at the forefront of each one.


Bumping to agree. 

Being able to pin something like the main reference to the first spot on the gallery would be so nice!

Like sub galleries are great, but for my main fursona, for example, a large number of their images were uploaded before sub galleries were added so I would need to manually move all the images anyway. And a lot of the time, I don't want to hide all their art behind extra clicks or make it so I have to move things in and out of sub galleries constantly depending on what art I want to feature on the main page.



I agree with what others are saying for being able to pin to sub-galleries and other tabs as well!

I don't really love using sub-galleries because they appear when people submit art to my OCs and I don't like how cluttered it looks when I have a lot of tabs! so I usually avoid reference tabs. This would be nice for that!




omg thisss! I just came here to suggest this exact thing actually! we seriously need to be able to pin images so badly omg, I hate having to move my character's ref sheet to the front all the time.




heavy +1!

an out-of-the-box function like this would be extremely useful so people wouldn't have to make an entire sub gallery for one ref image or create/hunt down proper html to display the ref image on the profile


I was actually just thinking this the other day. The references get pushed back by newer art but I prefer them to be the first image in a gallery to I manually have to change them each time


+1 between sub galleries and being able to manually sort them you *can* already technically do this, but being able to pin one or two images to always show first would make this a lot easier and less time consuming