[suggestion] - Favorites Search option

Posted 1 month, 6 days ago by PoonieFox


8 Votes +1

Again like the many, i do not know (and was unable to find) if this was suggested prior. But i think it might be?
and if not, well HERE IT IS! :D

I like to trade character with my fair people of the discord groups and again and again i see myself struggle over the same issue.
When i'd like to offer certain characters people might like, i like to peek into the favorites if there might be a character in there
which is MAYBE happen to own that i;d like to trade with them.
Now the majority of the fair people do not sort ther favorites in any possible way, so here i go spending hours ploughing through
100 of favorites pages in order to find (usually just one or two characters they end up faving from me, that's fine).

BUT I really think this can take a LOT less time if i had a little search option in them. It doesn't need to be real huge and grand,
but if i could just search for characters owned by a certain person (aka me lol) would save me SO. MUCH. TIME.

For example like the 'owner' search of the actualy search here:
But then offcourse limiting the search to that person's favorites i am searching in, would allready make a great difference!
Boldy assuming i am not to only person struggling with this, i figured i need to bring this up!
And barely knowing any coding i have no clue if this is actually possible? (I mean, bad example but, Deviantart USED to have a search in a gallery to find a certain picture and in 
the favorites of a person - now all gone because their site broke and so did their option to search anything on there. it's a really big mess. 
I mean that must say there should so some way to do that?)