+21 [Sug] Pinned Bulletin/Bulletin Organization!!

Posted 2 months, 1 day ago (Edited 26 days, 15 hours ago) by MellowSquish

Agree or Disagree?

23 Votes Agree
1 Votes Disagree
2 Votes No Opinion

Not sure if this has been done before or these Ideas have been posted before so lmk if they have been :)

IDEA 1: Bulletin Folders

-Allows Bulletins to be sorted into different categories

-Allows people to access important bulletins instead of those bulletins being shoved to the bottom

-Allows people to see the different things you post

IDEA 2: Bulletin Tags(Personal Favourite)

-Allows people to see certain bulletin content from a user

-Allows people to sort their bulletins and put multiple tags on different bulletins

-Allows bulletins to be found a lot easier based on certain tags especially if a user posts a lot of bulletins

Ex. If a user makes "Raffle" and "Com Info" Tags, people can easily find their commission info instead of going through all of their bulletins with raffle links

IDEA 3/3.5: Option to reorder Bulletins like images OR Pin certain Bulletins (can be combined with 1 or 2)

-Gives people the ability to put the most important bulletins first or allow them to post other bulletins while having a main one to see

-Allows users to have a Directory bulletin as their Pinned bulletin so people can organize their bulletins easier

-Makes it easier for people to see a users important info/PSAs/Extremely important info first

Hope this all makes sense :0


I messed up the poll lol, if you agree with any of them/ the idea of it click agree or disagree :)


+ 1, Bulletin Tags would be so useful!



useful for me, as someone who has such a messy bulletin section lol