[ CLOSED ] M A I D s !

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Edited 6 years, 9 months ago) by akitozan

all MAIDS that willing to served you!


Co-op project with Tamalynnand KuroSakura

Master List

Maid 1 : http://feather--weather.deviantart.com/
Maid 2 : Warit Jawcharoenrux
Maid 3 : Tamalynn Pattamol
Maid 4 : http://teratris.deviantart.com/
Maid 5 : http://aoidevvi.deviantart.com/
Maid 6 : Lolicy Marble Ice'z
Maid 7 : http://windsing.deviantart.com/
Maid 8 : Lolicy Marble Ice'z
Maid 9 : Kannarin Timkhunpitak


- Allowed to use this character for commercial.

- Can be re-sell, trade and gift *Please inform me of the new owner through note

- You will be free to make an OC from the design but the right to the artwork is mine

- Buyer doesn’t need to credit me every time the character is used.