Table rounded corners (solved, thanks!!)

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Edited 7 years, 2 months ago) by umino-mari

So I want to make my world's index table to have rounded corners, at least on the title cells, like this:

(I changed the HTML code of the cell by adding "border-radius: 10px;" on it's properties section ><'

As you can see, I can perfectly change it on the editor but when I update it there are no changes on the actual world ;; ~ ;;

I tried to change it on the CSS code as well (I have to say I have no idea of CSS so I follow my intuition). I don't know if there is a code for tables, I think it was


But on the TH framework I didn't find anything so I'm not sure if I can actually do this ;;;; Also, although I turn WYSIWYG off I have the same problem. 

If you could help me I'd be very grateful! Thank you!


EDIT OOPS ignore me LOL


#main table tr:first-child td {border-radius: 10px;}

I dunno if "first-child" would work or not, but that's how it would be properly coded. ^^"


username it worked!! *^* <3 thank you so much~


Starlipop it didn't work (I think I had to code with td because someone else's comment helped me) but I could do it anyways so yeah! thank you so much anyways //hugs <33


No problemo!
At least now I know that the first-child thing actually works, aha.