Hello there, stranger. If you're reading this, congratulations; you are of the chosen few to have seen beyond the veil of illusion, with the audacity to stick your finger into the crack on the wall to feel what could possibly lie beyond something so simple and unassuming.

By reading this, you've given us a resume. Not just any old resume, mind you: It is merely the only resume that counts. By seeing this, you've opened your eyes for the very first time amidst an endless shroud of darkness. You have dared to lit the cave you live in, and have the temerity to walk across to the light where the truth lies.

We are <0> Inc., and we are cordially inviting you to an interview in our offices. Currently, joining <0> has several benefits, which include:

  • Health and Dental Care
  • 401k and Retirement benefits
  • Decent pay with vacation days
  • Parties hosted throughout the year

Those who work with <0> are not bound to any office, any cubicle, any paperwork, or any documentation. By becoming an agent, you will continue to live your life normally, and free of any interference. When needed, dossiers will be mailed to those who have been chosen for the mission. We strive to believe in convenience, above all. There is no need to send any documentation, any pictures, any high school or college diplomas or transcripts.

We already know it. We are already aware. It's alright.

Come join <0> Inc. today, and lead the life you deserve to live.

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