Team Radiance

∙ • Team Radiance • ∙

∙ The Fire Type ∙

Team Radiance is comprised of individuals who most align with a fire-type personality. Like fire, the individuals within Team Radiance are passionate and spontaneous; persevering through the most gloomy of days and most treacherous of obstacles. Team Radiance is the driving force of the four teams, providing encouragement and inspiration to their peers, and allowing them to realize their true potential. These individuals truly embody forward thinking and progress, recognizing the limitless opportunities and futures at their disposal. Though members of Team Radiance provide the strength and resilience of the four groups, members of the team may also tend to be over-workers, physically draining themselves until complete burnout. Members may also tend to be fairly forceful and overly driven, making it difficult for others to keep up. Their spontaneity, though a blessing, may also be their undoing; especially as no one knows what they will end up doing next. Team Radiance members may also be careless, diving headfirst into situations with no prior thought of the possible consequences. 

∙ • Traits • ∙

Code by 00Ishikawa00