Captain Ironfang



3 years, 3 months ago


"Listen, i may don't know about ye' much. But please can ye' just slow th' fuck down?"
[ Full Name ]
> Caspian William Davenport

[ Full Name Origin ]
> The name Caspian means ["White"] but was named after the Caspian Sea, while the surname Davenport is derived from the ["Town of Davenport"] in Cheshire, England - it is also derived from the ["River Dan or Daven"] and ["Port"].
> Although he goes under his new identity, Seymour Dawson, the given name Seymour means ["Marshy Land near the Sea"] while his surname Dawson means ["Son of David"]

[ Nickname ]
> None

[ Alias ]
> Seymour Dawson
> Capt. Ironwind

[ Species ]
> Human

[ Gender ]
> Male

[ Preferred Pronouns ]
> He/Him

[ Age ]
> 22 [before he absconded]
> 38 [He met Wesley when they're adults]
> 58-XXX [Current]

[ Date of Birth ]
> December 22nd, 1812

[ Place of Birth ]
> Cornwall, England

[ Western Zodiac ]
> Sagittarius

[ Nationality ]
> British

[ Languages ]
> English
> Dutch
> French
> Spanish

[ Religion ]
> None

[ Blood Type ]
> A+

[ Job Occupation ]
> Pirate [retired]
> Farmer [current]

[ Rank Position ]

> High Rank [Former]
> Low Rank

[ Education ]
> Homeschooled, but he went more independent when it comes to learning about different language and sailing

[ Hair Color ]
> Black [until his 50's]

> White [After graying]

[ Eye Color ]
> Blue

[ Height ]
> 6'1 ft.

[ Weight ]
> 187 lbs. (87 kg)

[ Distinguishing Features ]
> Slashes from his back
> Eyebags

[ Piercings ]
> None

[ Birthmarks ]
> None

[ Accessories ]
> He wores a purple triangle earring from his right ear.

[ Personality Description ]
> The captain of the IronShark Crew - Caspian Davenport, also known as Seymour Dawson or IronWind - is a 'ruthless', 'cold-hearted', and a confident captain who is responsible and commands his crewmates through force and power. He is also an apathetic person who doesn't literally care if he's going to die or anybody else to die, as long as they're not a crewmate. He's quick to annoyance, and a grumpy person with little or no rare footage of him smiling and he is always frowning all the time - but deep down, he secretly cares about his crewmate, and a certain sherriff, he's deeply in denial and is anxious about accepting his feelings. Seymour is also an honest but a blunt person, being able to give his honest opnion about other people, whether it be their actions or their situation - He also attempt to knock their sense off whenever they're panicking or is away from reality, his honest and his bluntness may appear helpful but it cause other people to feel offended by his words, adding that his words comes off as quite predictable.

Seymour is heavily depressive who think alot about himself and is very accepting about who he is, depending on his mood, He sometimes think that he's very hopeless and won't be able to recover himself, and sometimes he won't be able to sleep due to his former broken identity and how it pains him.

[ Introvert? Extrovert? or Ambivert? ]
> Introvert

[ Do they do drugs? ]
> Yes

[ Do they smoke? ]
> Yes

[ Phobias ]
> Oneirophobia
> His former shell

[ Hobbies ]
> Singing
> Drawing

[ Habits ]
> He usually grunts when he expressed annoyance or being tired
> He stayed awake and is grumpy like he usually does - he also looked at the outside view as if it were a theatre before he slowly slept.

[ Skills ]
> Gunmanship
> Swordmanshp
> Navigation
> Resistent to Seasickness
> Linguisitic

[ Secrets ]
> ??????

[ Addictions ]
> None

[ Physical Disorders ]
> Leg Amputation

[ Allergies ]
> None

[ Mental Disorders ]
> Depression
> Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

[ Likes ]
> bathing
> searching for stuffs
> meats [specifically turtle meats]
> folklore stories
> rumours
> freedom
> snow

[ Dislikes ]
> tomatoes
> the night
> manipulators
> the sun
> his father
> imprisonment

[ Mother ]
> Caitlin Davenport

[ Father ]
> Howard Davenport

[ Sibling ]
> John Davenport [Younger Brother]
> Archie Davenport [Younger Brother]
> Regan Davenport [Younger Brother]
> Daniel Davenport [Younger Brother]
> Sara Davenport [Younger Sister]
> Rae Davenport [Younger Sister]

[ Children ]
> Joe MacDonald [Adopted Son]
> Quinn MacDonald [Adopted Daughter]
Note: Joe and Quinn are also twins. They're also adults in 1870s.

[ Sexual Orientation ]
> Homosexual [discovered it after 15]

[ Love Interest ]
> Wesley MacDonald [Married]

[ Relationship Status ]
> Taken

[ Friends ]
> Wesley MacDonald [Former]
> Ariana Fernandes [...?]
> Honovi [One-side, he thinks she's super annoying]
> Raul Ramos
> Bailey Wilkerson
> Goldie Langley

> Keyon Atkinson
> Otto Rutherford
> Manuela
> Beverly Thackeray
> Gervaise Descombes
> Beatriz Alvarez
> Colden Reed
> Estella Notley

[ Enemies ]
> Wesley MacDonald [Former]
> Ella Mclaughlin
> Roland Franco
> Ariana Fernandes [...?]
> Juan Carlos Carranza
> Ernest Jefferson
> Jasper Crane
> Wei Yuan Mao
> Patrick Andrews

[ Backstory ]

> Seymour was born in Cornwall, England with his birth name, Caspian Davenport, he has two parents, Howard Davenport, who who owned the mansion with many servants inside and also owns the port, he is also a rich businessman with minimal trades across the other ports, while his mother Caitlin Davenport, who suffered from abuse of her husband. As he grew, he was raised by Howard's servants with love and cares, and not even a single one from his dad due to him neglecting his son.

> After he grew up, His father made Caspian decided that he will homeschool his kids so he will taught them some more about households, because he believes that black people were not allowed to go to school, wanting him to become a professional servant, he was taught about how to perform it perfectly, and if he does it bad, he gets a punishment, which cause him to get abused by him every time he made a mistake, and ended up getting punished.

> At age 7, After Rae and John Davenport were born. Caspian, Rae, and John were taught by his mother actually, and some other of his siblings during free time to the port since the mansion was located next to them, and teach him about sailing and more knowledge about boats, the reason why is because she used to disguised as a man and worked as a sailor, and she wish it to spread it upon her children and future descendants, as apart of her side of the culture. So Caspian learned a lot about his mother from her sailing and boat knowledge.

> In his free time, Caspian is known for being good at drawing amazing things, adding that he spent his time on painting such beautiful background, and he even drew a layout of the manor. He also know how to sing, although he sounds shit and his drawings look mediocre, he doesn't care.

>At age 13. After Sara and Archie Davenport was born, Caspian, Rae, and John spent their free times hanging out with each other in the secret room of the manor, the basement, sometimes the outside, and kept a promise about not to tell to the other people, especially their father, so the trio spent their time having fun in a secret room. However, his father founded out about his works and destroyed them by burning them into ashes, and when he's about to do it, Caspian fought off his dad to save his work but its too late, so now they're completely ruined, his father turned to his son, saying that he should focus more on training to be a future servant rather than wasting his time on worthless careers, thus he left him sorrowful.

> At age 15, After Daniel Davenport were born, Caspian rank up and it was his first time to become a hall boy, but he grew more distant towards his siblings, Rae, John, Sara, and Archie were more worried about him so the three secretly hang out again and bonded together in their secret rooms. and at some point of his life, when Seymour explored the newly-built Library constructed by the workers, He was fascinated in books and is curious about reading them, but he finds the pirate ones more interesting. So he spent his free time on reading pirate books such as "A General History of the Pyrates by Captain Charles Johnson", and he finds every well-known pirate captains interesting, And when he picked another book, it was filled with languages such as Dutch, French, and Spanish, although he would just ignore them and pick another book but Caspian had an idea, so adding linguistic and polyglots to his free time as he spent more on translating each books, learning about the other language, and even managed to speak. After some years of practicing, he now knows about the three other languages and speaks fluently, for awhile.

> After he grew up, his father invited his friends to his mansion because he was planning a party so celebrate their time as friends and told his kids to be more polite, strict, and professional. During the party preparation, Caspian spent his time on helping other servants, including his siblings such as Daniel and Archie. And when his father invited his friends to his mansion, the party went smoothly that the invitees were having so much fun, chatting around, eating and drinking. Until Caspian accidentally fucked things up by tripping on one of his father's friends, which suddenly caused a chain reaction of events that turned the party into ruinst, and many of Howard's friends hates him for tripping on them with a drink and left the manor, which causes his dad to go furious on him.

> After the party ended, Caspian was dragged by his father from everyone's glances and was dragged to the underground where he was severely punished by his father by beating him up, whipping his back sore, and telling him how much he ruined his dad's life before he left. Thus, he ended up having scars on his back and starts having lots of nightmares. After Regan Davenport was born, Caspian becomes completely emotionally distant towards his siblings and began to have lots of negative thoughts about himself, even his siblings tried to comfort him, they failed as he become more lonely.

> At age 22, during the family photo day, He also to participate in a family photo, him and Regan were grouped. Regan seems to like his older brother. But he decided to ignore him. Which led to the almost all of the Davenports frowning.

> Until nighttime, he witnessesing Regan being abused by his father after he bring so much pain to his family member. At this point, Caspian gets even more tired of him ruining his family's mental state and leave them to a husk for many years - He grew a burning heart, wanting to get fucking revenge with the idea of murdering another person who deserved to burn in hell. Caspian becomes ruthless, desiring for his first blood. So by being quite impulsive, he split up from Regan and his dad and began to defend him that he and the other members do not deserved this treatment, his dad defended it, saying that he tried his best to raise them and give them a better future, even he actually did the opposite of that. So after an argument and Regan cracking up some tears, it was escalated to murder between him and his dad as they tried to kill each other, Caspian wins, his dad died by repeatedly stabbing him in the chest. And after he killed his dad, he realized that he killed someone and and thinks that he shouldn't be here. So escape the mansion, leaving the rest of the Davenports to realize that their abusive dad was dead and their oldest brother is missing.

> Caspian ran, and ran, and ran until he reached to the the street where he should make traveling his living. The next day, he was struggling in looking for food, and was treated horribly by rich Victorians. He also spent each days staying in an abandoned place and take a sleep on them, one of the main one was that he lives and slept under a bridge, with no food or drinks whatsoever, when he found a food outside of the bridge, he dragged the food to him without even showing up by himself and hid behind a random object, but he didn't realized that someone witnessed their food being dragged down and thinks that there was a monster under a bridge. The more days he spent on every new bridge, his hair grows even longer, and the more food he took.

> When he reached to Cornish Ports, he took that as an advantage and successfully steals a bigger one when no sailors are sleeping. When he's about to sail away from the shore, but suddenly, two kids who are named Beverly and Keyon were running toward his ship and jumped into the boat. Caspian thinks that fighting on the two people is a waste of his time, so he just sailed away and into the seas.

> The ship sailed away as the Caspian went distant from the two but spent more on sailing, reaching for new lands. Until they talked. When introducing, it was Caspian's time to introduce himself, but remembering his old life gives him headache and he doesn't want to remembered it. From now, his name is now Seymour Dawson.




> As weeks were spent as the three began to grow closer, Seymour told the two people that they're going to sail around the ship and steal some equipment because he believes that they need to gather some more resources because the ones they have was extremely scarce. He also elected himself as the pirate captain, the two people ultimately agreed to his decision.

> The ship sailed throughout the seas,, recruiting more misfit members who want to escape from their social situation, and even invading ships and steal theirs's like pirates. Until there was one time where Seymour lost one of his leg, so during the storm, when the crewmates were trying to not get pushed off the rails and fell off the seas. When a shark bit his leg, Seymour wrestled the shark from deck to deck, while he was wincing in pain, this goes for so long until a shark was beaten to death by repeatedly bash them on the rail multiple times while tearing his leg off from his body. In the end, Seymour lost his leg with a pool of blood spreading across the deck Luckily, one of his crewmates named Gervaise was an expert in surgery and knows a lot about prosthetics. So Seymour was treated by him and made a prosthetic leg for him, though outdated. Seymour continue his life as a captain and sailed through seas.

> When the crewmates celebrated their victory. The British empire sent royal navies to combat them, leading to a war between the Pirates and the Royal Navies until a huge wave from a strong storm swept all over them, with few people surviving, Seymour ended up at San Francisco City, California where he met Wesley until now.


Headcanons [and some cracks whether its canon by the creator or not]:

Doing something with his hands is one of the most reliable ways Seymour has to keep himself steady. Almost any sword he's had his hands on in the past has been sharpened down almost to the atomic level because of this- it's a fidget, but it's still a practical one. - NYAHILISM