


3 years, 3 months ago



Name : Sunclaw
PREFIX –– Named after her golden pelt
SUFFIX –– Named after her combat skills
Pastnames : Sunkit, Sunpaw
Sexuality : Butch Lesbian
Birthseason : Greenleaf
Gender : molly
Pronouns : he/him for strangers, she/her for close cats
Rank : Warrior
Residence : Thunderclan (Previously Loner and Riverclan)
Mentor : Fuzzyfang (Dark Forest)
Apprentice : None

Summary :

Sunclaw is a tall and slightly muscular cat with many scars. Her right ear is torn in half. She has sleek and spiky golden/brown fur and lime eyes.

Breed : Feral Cat
Eye Colour : Lime
Height : Tall
Body Type : Tall and Muscular
Pelt : Golden and brown tabby

Sunclaw seems like a cold cat when is first interacted; not looking fowards to socialize. He is strict and prefer to stay in his own boundries. But if you become closer to her you can actually see that she has a softspot.

  • Fishing
  • Sunbathing
  • Swimming
  • Leaf-Bare
  • Long travels
  • The warrior code (some parts)
Fears : Theophobia (Fear of God).
Habits : She tries to go to Sunningrocks whenever she can even though she trespasses. Sometimes Redberry joins her.
  • Originally created based on someone I know irl!! Now she has no connection to them.
  • Created in early summer 2018.
  • Her story changed a lot through the years. I planned her to be killed by a dog a few years ago but that idea is scrapped now.

Herbial Knowledge

Father : Desertstorm is Sunclaw's father. They dont interact much since he hid his identity to not get into trouble for his halfclan kits.
Mother : Robinheart is Sunclaw's mother. Sunclaw was especially close to her mom and got affected by her death the most because she struggled to get along with her siblings while she was young.
Mate : Redberry is Sunclaw's mate. They met in the Dark Forest and then started to meet in real world when Redberry stopped going to her trainings. They lived in the barn close to the clans for a while before returning to Thunderclan.
Siblings : Sunclaw has two siblings named Pinefoot and Deerfligt. She is not really close to both of them but she especially dont have time to spend time with her sister Deerflight. She occasionaly shares fresh-kill with her brother Pinefoot.

Sunkit was born under Robinheart with her sister Deerkit and Pinekit.

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code by jiko