


3 years, 2 months ago


Deirdre Lambert



Local florist/healer




11/2/22, Wingspan


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Deirdre Lambert is a young, gentle Faedir that's highly skilled in the art of gardening. Due to her vast knowledge of plantlife in her area and their uses, she's also a great healer. She moved to her secluded oceanside valley only a few years ago in search of peace and isolation from the ever-moving world outside. That is to say, despite her talents, she rarely steps outside her santuary.

Although it's easy to tell that she's shy and struggles to interact with others, she also has a dark past that she'll certainly never share. It's due to this past that she has a hard time trusting other people, and believes it's better that she isolates herself so that she'll never get hurt again. In a way, gardening is her effective escape from all of it, but there definitely are times where she feels lonely.



Although she often views the outside world as mostly selfish and dishonest, Deirdre has definitely kept her kindness through it all. She's very gentle and patient, rarely getting angry, and if there's anyone that needs her help, she is sure to provide it free of charge. If anything, she is very sensitive and it's easy for others to get her depressed.

Still, however, she is wary of strangers and avoids them as much as she can. She fears being betrayed again if she puts too much trust in someone. In a way, she runs from her past rather than trying to confront it, and she does find herself lonely from time to time in the end.


Deirdre is a long-furred, brown Faedir with long red hair and blue fur around her neck, hands, feet, and tail. She has short, rounded ears with blue fur inside and bright yellow eyes along with an orange beak and claws. Her tail is long with droopy fur and her brown fur has white accents. She's a little chubby and has a somewhat short build.

Her main outfit consists of a black blouse with green buttons and a dull green skirt. Her neck is lined with a white ruffle with a green pendent in the middle with an "A" on it. She also wears a black barbershop hat with a dark green lining and a single brighter green club stamped on. She enjoys decorating the blue parts of her fur with flowers, and often uses sunflowers- her favorite kind.


Early Life

Deirdre first appeared in the world in a place very far away where she was taken in by an older woman that she'd come to view as her mother. She too was a gardener, and recently widowed, and had always wished for a child of her own. The woman loved Deirdre like she was her own daughter and raised her in the seclusion of a small cottage in the countryside.

All in all, her childhood was very bright and innocent. And yet, maybe too innocent? Her life, although happy, was very isolated and she knew nothing else. As she came to learn about it, she viewed the outside world as a little scary, and yet new and exciting at the time.

Later Years

Eventually, she was getting things for her mother in the market, one of the few occasions she really got out, when she met a tough Faedir from the city named Bo. She was only 18 at the time and he told her several stories about the city and what it was like. She was fascinated by the things he knew, but before long, she began to fell in love as well. He promised a beautiful, exciting world if she decided to move out of her rural town with him.

When her mother came to learn about their relationship, however, she didn't approve. It was at this time that she began to grow ill, and due to her age, she struggled to fight it. On her dying breath, she warned Deirdre one last time to avoid Bo and gave her a small blue chiffon hibiscus. Yet, Bo's hold on Deirdre remained strong, and despite her mother's word, she ended up moving away with him, anyway.

As she'd soon come to learn, however, her mother was right to warn her. Bo had given her nothing about false promises, and in the city, he was but a low-down criminal. He too kept her isolated, but it was nothing like her childhood with her mother. He kept her away from the things that she enjoyed and showed little of the love he'd given her back in her home town. He only ever used her on his terms and snapped at her if she ever spoke up.

After a few months, she finally had enough and ran away from that slum. She took the hibiscus her mother had given her and eventually found the perfect place for her to live completely alone in the outskirts of a small coastal town. She fixed up an old abandoned cabin and turned it into a place to raise her plants, deciding to return to her roots and become a gardener like she dreamed to be. She filled the meadow with flowers, both exotic and native, and learned to use certain ones to heal scrapes and cuts that she got while working. Between occasional meditation, she takes care of these plants like they're all her own little children. Her new life is very calm, but she still never forgot about the way Bo betrayed her and tries her best to avoid people when she can.


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