High Guard Schmiggot (Miggs)



3 years, 2 months ago


High Guard Schmiggot (Miggs)

relentless . fearless . brusque

Name Schmiggot
Called Miggs
Age Unknown
DoB July 13 (transformation date)
Pronouns He/They
Height Tall
Race Sch
Role High Guard, Sch Higher-Up
Demeanor Chaotic Evil
HTML Pinky


Miggs is a warrior at heart and always has been. Miggs was transformed into a monster called the Sch while out on a bounty mission one day. He was walking through the deep forest outside of a city and had run into a creature nearly two times his size. It was a void black with purple stripes, antlers, bat-like wings, and a seemingly innocent smile. Its mouth opened to reveal rows of sharp teeth. It took hold of his neck and refused to let go. He fought back, managing to stab the creature in the neck with his knife. It backed off before latching on again and injecting its own thick black acid blood into his.

The transformation was agonizing. His feathered wings melted into a pile of goop and bat-like wings of a bright hot pink replaced them. He sprouted short antlers, and his legs extended. The Sch’s signature three ringed leg pattern appeared as his flesh turned into the void black. His clothes melted into a pile that burned through the grass below him. After the most agonizing minutes of his life, he remembered none of it as the purple Sch opened its eyes and wiped his memory. It closed its eyes again and began to walk away towards the Sch camp, and Miggs, now Schmiggot, followed.

He followed the Deputy of the Sch to the camp. When he arrived, he noticed the other creatures. They all looked similar, only the colors of their stripes, height, hairstyle, and antler shape to distinguish them. Void black, three leg rings, spotted deer tails, antlers, bat wings, and innocent smiles with fake eyes. Sch were never to open their eyes unless wiping a new creature’s memory.

Schmiggot found a home in the den of the warriors. He was trained by the very Sch that transformed him- named Schmaw. Schmaw and the head sorcerer Schmew trained him violently, putting him through agony and torture until he toughened out and learned to fight using his brain rather than his bloodlust. He worked his way up the chain and quickly became the clan’s High Guard. His job as High Guard was to guard the village from intruders, hunt for food, and train the up-and-coming warriors. As he ranked up, he gained his neck tie that signifies him being a High Guard, as well as his gauges that signify him being a higher-up in the clan.

He was High Guard for nearly a century before he had opened his eyes. He had done the unspeakable in the Sch out of pure curiosity. When he had, he had seen everything and remembered everything. He had remembered his past life and how agonizing the transformation into Sch had been. He had looked at Schmee, the leader and original Sch, and seen the evil that they were planning.

So Schmiggot left. He took his ex-boyfriend Schmato with him, a high guard in training named Schmanti, a warrior in training Scheep, two mages named Schlee and Schloo, the Sch's ex medic Schocket, and two followers named Schbun and Schirp. Together, the group fled the camp in the dead of night. They reformed at a large red pine tree that towered over the acidic wastelands that the Sch Clan resided in. They worked through the night and built themselves a treehouse to live in. It was barely holding together, but it worked. The goup called themselves the the ISO.

The group lived there for years, thriving on their own and feeling free from the tyranny that Schmee had over them. One day, the group decided to pay the old Sch village a visit, deciding to see if the people they once considered family were still there. When they had shown up, they found the village empty. Vegetation that was long dead from the Sch’s acid had been growing back, the huts that the Sch lived in were crumbling in disrepair and boarded up. Confused, Schmiggot landed on the ground and hissed painfully as moisture touched his hooves.

The Sch had been cured and all were now gone. All of his once family no longer live there. They were all gone and he is stuck as an Sch forever.


  • Fighting
  • Bullying apprentices
  • Schmanti (sibling)
  • Scheep (adopted gremlin)


  • Sorcerer Schyaa (rival)
  • Authority figures
  • Water
  • Fire


  • Battling
  • Patrolling
  • Hunting
  • Training warriors




Schmiggot originates from a species created by Rags.Hexx on Pony.Town. The species has since retired. New Sch cannot be made.

The Sch species are made out of acid- making water their greatest weakness.

The Sch are parasites that take control of a host body and spread by infecting the blood of the host.

The Sch lived as a colony deep in a forest and had an effective heirchy system in place.

Miggs misses his blender. Please give it back :(

Migg Pink hex code is FF0095.



High Guard Schmato

Ex Boyfriend

Schmiggot used to work hand-in-hand with the other High Guard by the name of Schmato, even sharing romantic feelings for the other for a brief time. Schmato betrayed Schmiggot after his rebellion, though, and has disappeared into the unkown.


Sorcerer Schyaa


Schyaa and Schmiggot grew up in the village acting as siblings. They would often battle each other to the brink of death, it always ending in some sort of tie where they both would spend weeks in the Medic Hut. The two never got along, but both shared mutual respect for the other's power.


Deputy Schmaw

Father Figure

Schaw was the Sch that originally turned Miggs into Schmiggot. He was the Deupty of the Sch and the second leader. Schmiggot viewed Schmaw as a makeshift father figure since he was the one who trained him to be a High Guard.