


3 years, 3 months ago


Gita Satria Putri

Mysterious Guitar Hero




AGE Adult




BOND None yet

ML ENTRY MYO Guide 135










Reference Sheet || ARPG Group || Pets


A chaotic rule-breaker with a heart of gold, Gita—for as long as anyone can remember—has always marched to the beat of her own drum. In that regard, she’s always been a bit of a lone ranger, the independent sort who relies on her own intuition.

Everyone only has one life to live, and the last thing she wants is to be held down by rules and societal expectations. Gita’s philosophy can be summed up in two words: live freely. While she’s around, she’ll live loudly, make mistakes, and grab opportunity by the horns without any regrets.

An individualistic wildcard, Gita is the type of guide who wears her heart on her sleeve for the entire world to see. She’s spontaneous and brash, unafraid of leaping before she looks and unafraid of taking risks.

Gita has a certain confidence—the type that announces itself whenever she enters a room. She’s not arrogant, but she believes in herself and her capabilities, and this stern belief in herself has made it easy for others to rely on her as well.

To sum the guide up: Gita is unabashedly unafraid to be herself.

The guide might be a little too unpredictable and chaotic for other guides’ standards, but she’s as genuine as can be. With Gita, ‘what one sees is certainly what one gets.’ There are no pretentious facades, just a Guide who’s always been in love with life and all of the adventures it has to offer.


Heavy metal
Cute plushes
Skaterboi aesthetic


Fizzy drinks
Being nagged by Viola
Caught with her cute plushes



Similar to all the other guides before her, Gita was a product of magic.

She emerged from the tree of life with a natural love for music and adventure. Like all other guides, music came easily to Gita, and singing a tune and humming a song was second nature to her.

However, unlike some of the other guides, Gita didn’t care about singing-in-key or getting the pitch of a song perfect. The only thing she cared about was singing her heart out, even if the lyrics were wrong and song was off-key at times. Even from the beginning, Gita had never been afraid of making mistakes or challenging the status quo.

After her birth, Gita then travelled to the Grove of Life to live with the other young guides. Her early days were spent splashing around in the river of life, climbing tree tops so she could look at the world fearlessly from above, and playing with the other guides. And then she met Viola and made her first best friend.

Life was good for Gita until it wasn’t.

Living with Viola was all fun and games at first, but somewhere down the road, they got into one misunderstanding after another. Both girls grew up with very different life philosophies—Viola was stickler for the rules, while Gita broke them time and time again.

The arguments were small and tolerable at first, but their relationship changed when Gita tried to take things into her own hands. The guide merely wanted to show her best friend that there was more to life than merely following the rules and staying in line—that joy and adventure could be found in the chaos of uncertainty and the thrill of not knowing what’s coming after.

Gita asked Viola to run away with her and things between them were never the same.

Afraid of what was to come, Viola lashed out at her best friend.

The list of hurtful words went on and on. Most of the time, Gita was immune to criticism, but Viola was her best friend. The words stung deep. Hurt and a little angry, Gita decided to move out by herself. She then journeyed to the City of Lights to become a musician and find her place in the ever-changing world.


After moving to the City of Lights, Gita tried to create a name for herself in the music industry and began working as an on-call guitarist. Occasionally, she would perform by herself, but her true passion lay in playing for different bands and competing in a wide array of musical competitions.

Gita was still the same impulsive and brash guide—never one to back down from any competition or challenge, but despite that, she had managed to channel most of her chaotic energy into looking for music-related gigs and competing against other musicians.

One night, when she was scheduled to compete in one of the many underground bars, Gita ran into a familiar face.

Her reunion with Viola was strained. On the one hand, Gita was happy to see her childhood friend. On the other hand, she was still hurt by the words Viola had spoken during their last explosive argument. A part of her knew her friend hadn’t meant to hurt her, but the other part of her wanted a proper apology before they could mend their severed friendship.

Despite the initial awkwardness, the two guides ended up becoming rivals after Viola challenged Gita to a musical standoff. Being the competitive guide she was, Gita accepted and the rest was history. Every now and then, Viola would stop by to visit the City of Lights and they would have one of their legendary standoffs. It was almost like they were friends again.

Gita wasn’t sure how to feel about their rivalry, but it gave her a reason to see Viola every now and then. Deep down, Gita still cares deeply for her childhood friend.

Even though she doesn’t say it aloud, Gita hopes that one day they can set their differences aside and become friends again.


SONATA Kid? Apprentice?

Teaches Sonata how to have fun with her music. Lets her experiment with making mistakes and off beats. Talks with Sonata to check up on Viola if she' going on alright. Cares for both Viola and Sonata.


Once childhood best friends but torn apart due to ciscumstances. Met again in Battle of the Bands and are now rivals. Still cares for Viola though she's still hurt that her friend would say such things. All she ask is for Viola to apologise.


Long distant cousin, presumably were from the same branch before their previous life had them seperated to Serpent's Bluff. Sometimes visit Serpent's Bluff to check up on Agar-agar and her fam. Calls her Jell-o lovingly.


  • Backstory beautifully written by Foxofspades! Please go check out their writing shop its so good.
  • All her tattoos are hand drawn with a sharpie and thus never stays the same pattern or drawing. Gita is araid of needles.
  • Her hair is actually bright red but dyes it black because she thinks its cool and edgy.
  • Lover of all things cute and adorable but doesn't like it when people sees her with her cute items. She feels like it ruins her cool image.
  • Calls everyone dude or a loving nickname. Uses excessive amounts of the word "totally", "totes" and "like".

code by icecreampizzer