Would you be open to a payment plan?

I would be, feel free to dm me to discuss!

Omg you bought her??! THATS AWESOME! Congrats, she’s a pretty girl!!!

Hey there, not sure if you'd be interested or not but she is ufo at the moment! No worries if not, just thought I'd reach out!

Hi! Thank you for letting me know! Unfortunately she's way out of my range, but good luck with selling her ^^

No worries, thanks for letting me know!

If you do pings, I'd love to be pinged if they ever go ufo!! Absolutely nws if not :]

Hey there, I am considering offers on her if you're still interested! Feel free to dm me if you are to discuss!

Hey! Sorry, but I'd be unable to afford her. Tysm for letting me know though!

No worries, thanks for letting me know!